People who turn in women seeking abortions are eligible for a $10,000 reward in Texas

We agree.

Been here since 1990.
We fight however we can.
We resist however we can.

Some of us here consider Austin a safe harbor.
Or at least safer than most places in Texas.
Our town has been a collector, an aggregator for artists, misfits, progressives and more who wanted to live in Texas (family? job? Barton Springs? music? weather?) but felt unsafe or unwelcome in other parts of the state.

I will not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
I will not lend my consent to injustice, in this state and elsewhere.
We will continue to resist.

The Texas Dems who broke quorum and in are Washington DC right now are fighting right now for the women’s rights–and so much more–endangered by the current gubner and his cohort.

We will resist.
We are not finished.


also Texas:

also Texas (previously):



it’s not even as deep as that.

this is the equivalent of notching their bedposts. most of them don’t care about abortion, most of them are men.

what they care about is status in their community. and their community has decided that the more outrageous and f-d up you can be, while still roleplaying mortality, the better. ( see also: the born rich “successful” business man donald trump )

it’s basically a game to them. and they’re winning points showing how awful they can be. their reward is the big money backroom pats on the back, and cash in their wallets. they’re sitting somewhere cheersing each other with over-priced whiskey in some dry county laughing

and it’s hard for individual voters to do much in texas, because the whole establishment is so crooked


As someone who lives in a blue area of a generally red, now sort of purple state, thanks for this.


Red. Meat. For. Their. Base.


Normally I’m all about trying to make change. But the power grid, climate change, and this kind of anti-woman legislation makes it seem like the Texas canaries in the coal mine are dead. I wouldn’t blame your wife for not wanting to live in Gilead.


We talk regularly about leaving. Where to go and how to get there? What sacrifices are worth making and which ones aren’t? How ok are we with leaving family behind? Daily or weekly conversations really. Same with most of the people we associate with.

But there’s a lot here. Like, remember how the housing market keeps getting more expensive? Well, that’s happening everywhere.

A lot of the places we might afford to move to aren’t much better than here. Several may be objectively worse as in we might be at higher risk there due to demographics. Out of the frying pan into the fire.

Given the power grid issues and climate change, things are probably going to get a lot worse in Texas. But we may end up stuck here nonetheless.


That is when the case is escalated to forcing the prosecution into proving that she was even pregnant in the first place, as Plan B ( Levonorgestrel) is designed to prevent pregnancy and will not end an existing pregnancy.

I would bring a professor of pharmacology/gynecology in for expert testimony on this subject and especially demonstrate that the law is factually a farce as it legislates against something that “cannot happen.”

Bonus points if said legislators can be summoned as witnesses, and on record chided for “practicing medicine without a license.”


And another thing about that… why are WE the ones who SHOULD leave. Why are these assholes MORE entitled to these places than WE are.

Besides, if we give up large swaths of the south, the whole country country is fucked… anyone who thinks they can abandon the south and keep the country intact and stave off these kind of laws being adopted nationwide is a fool.


Absolutely. And states like Texas are the perfect example. They’re doing these things because they’re losing control.


Right? Just look at GA… they went for MTG because they know they are losing control. Her district has seen an uptick in immigrants who work in the carpet mills up there and the white supremacists know they are losing control.


Next step is to require women known to be or suspected of being pregnant to register with the HealthPolice so their pregnancy can be tracked and monitored (at the woman’s expense, let’s not confuse this with pre-natal care which she will also be required to provide.)

Women found to no longer be pregnant who cannot produce a baptized child to show authorities will be detained until it is proven the miscarriage was God’s Will ™ by a duly appointed board of male physicians and ministers of the Lord.

(Women might be too sympathetic and anyway God does not permit women to have positions of power over men and that certainly includes being ordained and a woman doctor is just wrong as they might see a man’s Godly Gifts and become overwhelmed with lust.)

My country is dying around me,The only difference between a christian fundamentalist whack job and an islamic fundamentalist whack job is the uniform these days.

Civilization was fun while it lasted but I think we are on the way to the exit and barbarism and tribalism await while dictators fight over who has the biggest gold plated dung heap to crow on top of.


If someone even thinks you are planning to have an abortion they can sue your doctor, and if the judge believes them that you are then they can award the $10,000. So places that offer health services to pregnant women simply can’t exist under these conditions. Now, doctors are pretty brave, so I’m not saying they are going to shut down, but that’s what the law is meant to do.


Well, it’s been a Theocratic Kakistocracy, run by Kleptocrats for [far too] many years now.

Around these parts, we call it Dominionism, as exemplified by Ayatollah Abbott, Taliban Dan, & Cancun Cruz.
That evil pissant of an AG is merely a weak version of You Know Who; all the criminality, corruption & bluster without any money.
ETA: He was one of the speakers at the Coup Rally. As such, he should be in prison, awaiting execution for Treason.

There is nothing ‘conservative’ about any of those people. They are full-blown Fascists (as are the majority of their ilk in the country). I no longer refer to them as ‘conservatives’, or Republicans, for that matter. They are gangrene.

The question answers itself, but yes.
This is the birth of the Texas Stasi, enshrined into law.

Edit: tyop


Brilliant way to weaponize income inequality.
Get a person for whom $10,000 might be an attractive sum to snitch on his/her neighbors.
Make the poor turn on one another.


everything is relative…

Perhaps the statement should be “compared to the rest of Texas…”



Every republican calls Plan B an abortifascient and will insist a single dose of Plan B is as effective at ending pregnancies as a paintbucket full of RU-486 pills.

They will ignore or deny any and all science.

Any conservative texan judge will agree. That’s why texas’s courts have upheld shit like forcing doctors to lie to patients about the level of development of a fetus/embryo, the risks associated with abortion and other fabrications and prevarications.

The best we could hope for out of a test like this in a state like texas is that it’ll get thrown out for lack of standing.

“You can’t get pregnant so this law who lets anyone sue you if they think you had an abortion doesn’t affect you”

But it seems more likely a republican judge would decide to persobally sue the woman for fraud anyway.

These laws are entirely about punishing women, and removing their freedom. And republicans agree pretty much universally with that. You can’t out-clever a court that’s determined to use the law to oppress women.


Honestly, all the doctors in texas should just all leave.

Texas has made it clear that the state wants to actively discourage mexical practice.

When thousands of people start dying of easily medically preventable bullshit, how would we tell the difference though?


Are people lining up to report that the daughters and granddaughters of the people who voted for this are planning to get “late” abortions?