Person would like to be chased

So are we slut shaming people now?

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Who said anything about that? I have yet to see any shaming in this thread.


Putting it up for ridicule is shaming. If its safe, sane and consensual, let them play.

I think it was put up because it’s amusing. I don’t think anyone here really disapproves. It’s just an oddity, something quirky, and BB’s all about Wonderful Things, after all.


I’d agree if the original poster, by which I mean the chasee, agreed to this. And, to be fair, he posted on a public site. But I feel we should be better, as a group, then to laugh at him for his personal proclivities. It seems mean spirited to mock him in a public forum this way.

Um, you might want to go back and re-read the post. Admittedly, Rob’s headline is pretty confusing. The person who posted on Craigslist sought a chasee, not someone to chase them. I seriously doubt any of the longstanding Happy Mutants are going to judge either the chasee or the chaser. It may be a bit out of the ordinary, but then that’s pretty much we’re about around here, and frankly it’s certainly no more S&M than your average kinkters, which I don’t doubt we have a few of here.


As a runner this weirdly appeals to me. I am not fast like I once was, and in peak shape I didn’t put too deep a dent into under 20 minutes for a 5k. But still, I felt fast as hell. Yeah, it’s weird, but I could see the fun as the chased.

The chaser I don’t get. It is a little rapey.


If you can’t handle people getting a kick out of your hobby, and finding it a little amusing, then you’ve got skin like graphene. Which is to say, astoundingly thin.

I don’t think anyone here’s making fun of this guy, and I personally am not laughing at him. If anything, I think it’s kinda cool. It conjures up a funny mental image, and the specificity of this guy’s ad seems like he’s put a lot of thought into this. Can’t fault him for knowing what he wants out of the situation.


What movie is that from? That style of claymation looks so much like Wallace and Grommit.

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Assuming, of course this isn’t a wild goose chase.

The more Napoleon Dynamite details about high fiving and Facebook posting and such still make me think someone’s pulling a fast one just to see the reaction run wild.

Frankly, in the long run we run the risk of finding out it was no run-of-the-mill ad and we’ve been pretty much running in circles.

I’ll just let this discussion run its course. It’s already running out of steam.


Don’t be a stranger, you dashing fellow!


It is by Aardman, but I’ve never seen the film myself:


Aardman explains it. I never saw the pirates movie. Off to “Netflix”.

Goddamn it it’s not there. These days it seems more like Nyetflix… “Speak into toaster, ‘I vant nyetflix,’ and in 16 to 27 months, dvd movietape shows up in post for vcr. Tell no one what you see.”


My girlfriend still pays good money for Netflix, even though her main interaction with it is scrolling through for half an hour or more saying, ‘this is fucking shit’ then asking me to torrent something for her.


Yeah… I have netflix too. But it’s for the whole family. So, that’s 5 people. Plus animals we put sedate documentaries on for when we leave.

I don’t know if they like listening to Ken Burns talk about the Civil War for six and a half hours. But dammit, I want them to feel like they’re not neglected…

The old folks actually do get a lot out of the documentary selection. But I’d really wish there were a solution for anime dubbed in English. I’m what you might call a thorough reader", I don’t read very fast, because I read “word-for-word” and have a very high level of reading comprehension. Skimming does nothing but confuse me. So I prefer English dubbed anime with subtitles cuz I don’t hear so great either. The raver lifestyle has its impacts. I don’t have sharp canines (teeth grinding) or good hearing.

Aaaaaanyway, Netflix+Amazon Prime lets me get a lot of stuff legally, but I’ll be damned if I sign up for several different anime distributors. One should be plenty. And it really should be Netflix or Amazon. I shouldn’t have to sign up to Mad Dog, and Pioneer, and Funimation, and and and…

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I think I just realized what I want to be when I grow up.


We? You.

But I feel we should be better, as a group, then to laugh at him for his personal proclivities.

that is a fascinating piece of passive aggression. This is a group (your word) you nominally joined on Jan 27.

Welcome, dear leader.


Perhaps it’s a homophone, and the person would like to be chaste.


I agree. but you have to know the first month is free for a good reason, and that Netflix, like all exploitative relationships, will have ever diminishing returns. AmazonPrimes catalog is getting similarly thin. I may wind up with only before long.