Photos down the wrong end of guns


Inb4 “trigger” warning


No longarms?

So is that a gun you’re pointing or are you hap…wait…

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Ummm… what?


Holy Heckler & Koch!
those prints are EXPENSIVE

and who’d want a picture of a gauche-ass Glock 21 anyway… it’s G23 or nothin’!

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Shameless ripoff of Robert Longo drawings from 1993!

Robert Longo Bodyhammers

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Don’t know about Robert Longo - reminds me of the cover of Nail by Scraping Foetus off the Wheel from 1986.

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That’s strange. I was just googling images of guns five minutes ago because I passed a newsstand yesterday and noticed all the guns on all the magazine covers were facing left, and I wondered if that was some sort of gun photograph convention I had missed (like setting watches to 8:20 or 10:10). Turns out I guess it was just coincidence.

About 14 years ago, I was robbed at gunpoint. The police asked me to describe the assailant, and, honestly, I could only describe the gun, and his shoes. the gun was a silver colored revolver, with a short muzzle, and the bullets in the gun, which I could very clearly see, were copper colored. His shoes were clean white sneakers. I couldn’t tell you his race, height, or build, because all I could see was the gun, until he made me get on the ground, and then all I could see were his shoes. He’s number 5 in the line-up picture in this post. I’d know him anywhere.


I would use a few mirrors to get that effect.


Looking down the barrel of a gun, son of a gun.

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I wish the title read, “business end” of a gun, if a gun has a “right” and a “wrong” end, it means that guns really can only ever be used to bully other people.

While I’m not a fan (at all!) of gun culture, I think it’s important to focus on the control fantasies of the people who fetishize them, and not create a worse fetish to replace them.

Useful for an avatar that fits in with @codinghorror’s preferences?


Pretty sure he was listening to this and got the idea.

My only complaint is when they put them side by side, they shouldn’t resize them to be all the same height. Let the diversity of sizes show.


Yknow what? If that fetish means fewer kids get murdered, then color me kinky.

the brand/model tends to be on the left side of the slide. my guess is because it has a larger smooth area for graphics since the spot where the case is ejected is cut out of the right side of the slide.


Oh no I fully expect that the last thing I ever see will look like this.