Photos of the new Satanic monument being built for Oklahoma's Statehouse

“State Representative Mike Ritze paid for the controversial statue with his own money, and therefore it was considered a donation and OK to place on government property. Following that line of reasoning, the Satanic Temple submitted a formal application for their monument.”

What would Bob Howard say?

I think a Satanic monument in DC would be more fitting.


Also don’t forget monuments of colanders.

"And as a militant skeptic, and atheist I feel it’s my duty to point out the poor reasoning, and bigotry when I find it. "

And as a fellow atheist and sceptic, I gotta ask… Does religiosity of all kinds rile you up, or is it only Christians?

Do you also insult Moslems, Jews and Buddhists with explaining how their religion is a fairy tale when they identify as a religious person, or do your reserve this kind of mocking for one particular religion?

Whenever some Muslims display religiously motivated behavior, whether wearing a Burkha, refuse to shake a mans/woman’s hand, or insist on using part of a public building for segregated prayer several times a day, you’re right there in their face, pointing out how illogical and medieval their reasoning is, right?

In that case, good for you!

But otherwise you’re not really the proud atheist, fighting for reason and secularism as you’d like to think, but more of a bigot. A bigot motivated by a contrarian, spiteful rebelliousness, but still a bigot.


And needless to say, this satanic sculpture it’s be fought by any means necessary, and can never see the light of day!

Otherwise, as Denver airport and the Georgia guide stones have shown us, it’s only matter of time before Alex Jones and other paranoid conspiracy nutters will catch on, use as some sort of proof of something and go:

“SEE?!? I told you that the illuminati/bilderbergers/they/the Jooos are up to no good!!!”

We hearthily approve of Rev. Frauenfelder’s excellent suggestion. There can never be enough Dobbsheads, and more elaborate representations of Dear Leader J. R. “Bob” Dobbs - if the Conspiracy did not thwart us at every step, His benign visage would be grinning at us all from every invitingly blank wall, rise in full figure in every roundabout, and be branded into the forehead of every MereHume child at birth.

Perhaps bOINGbOING would consider fronting a Kickstarter? If, for some undobbsly reason, we can’t raise enough for the full statue of Our Prophit in energetic power stride, proudly erect and brandishing the sacred seven-bladed windbreaker, at least man-sized, tastefully chromed interpretation of the Dobbs Icon should be doable? Perhaps something 3d-printable with a long sharp spike at the bottom, for easier planting in public flowerbeds and the hearts of unbelievers.


@gijoel Did you just get saved?

Every person in the world knows what Christianity is about. Your duty is complete. Anything else at this point is simply badgering and annoying people. On the other hand, being a Pastafarian, not everybody knows about the glory of the FSM. Still, I don’t want to be a jerk, so I only let people know about the only true religion (or not) when they are being religiously intolerant or abusive (which is when they need it the most).


While I don’t want to downplay how cool this Satan project is, it would be interesting and informative to see the reaction to the actual (one actual) decalogue:


Will somebody cut these guys some slack?

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Didn’t even get a discount. I feel bilked!

Or sell concrete-casting molds… Assuming the photos are reasonably good, it’s a pretty enough piece of statuary that I’d seriously consider it. Then again, (a) I’m comfortably agnostic, (b) it isn’t my religion on either side of the debate, (c) I’m considering growing a Green Man in moss on my garden fence, …

BTW, Satan as Christians define him is not “Judeo-Christian”.Judaism has no hell. It has demons, but no devil; there are “other gods” but the commandments speak about forbidden modes of worship and about giving Adonai top billing rather than declaring those gods inherently evil. “He’s YOUR problem.” Or he’s been slandered and he’s nobody’s problem. Take your pick.

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Some will… but the premium will be much more than twice that for simple replacement, partly to cover the cost of investigation, and you’re going to face higher hurdles when trying to make a claim against it.

That’s the point of the Lloyds of London insurance market: insurance as a gambling game. You can insure ANYTHING. The question is whether you can afford the insurance, whether you can collect on it, and at what point it’s cheaper to just self-insure and have done with it.

Remember, once they have the molds cost of replacement is much less. Especially if they can repair, or re-pour, the existing piece.

This. I would buy one.

That looks pretty life-size* - how big do you reckon a life-size a Spaghetti Monster statue would have to be?

  • if he actually existed that is.

“He says he’s already got one!”

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Exactly. A few tweaks and it could be pan. An older, nicer, more suitable god.

The only reason Satanists are forbidden from engaging in insurance fraud is that the Dark Lord runs the insurance industry. How do you think the state of American health care got to where it is today?


Yeah, that’s what I meant when I alluded to betting. But I didn’t recall LLoyds’s or even the term gambling.