"Pickup artist" douche uses copyright to sue Youtube critics, fans raise $100K defense fund

Thus making it parody (or maybe even satire), not sarcasm, thus my quibble with definitions.

And “noob”? I’ve been here for years, through several commenting systems. “Derailing” implies I’m trying to distract from the issue, when I’m as against the “douche” in the article title as much as anyone.
The run-on style was just too annoying for me to even want to delve into to tell what he was so poorly trying to express.

You seem rather overinvested for someone who doesn’t have a dog in this hunt, is all.

If the style of writing isn’t to your liking, okay?

Definitely! The scam is that when hundreds of thousands of dollars are involved even for frivolous crap like this, the lawyers always win - not unlike running a lottery or casino.

There are countless examples, on YouTube and elsewhere, of how reviews and criticism count as fair use. If that’s all there is to the case, I would handle it myself instead of paying heaps of money (that I don’t have) or censoring myself.

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Oh, I see. That’s nice, dear.


Oh, I’m not going anywhere.

Look, my initial reply to the period-less text-glob was not even particularly hostile, just a gentle ribbing about maybe using a recognizable sentence structure. I then quibbled with the “sarcasm” reply, as that only works if the guy doesn’t actually know what the definitions of “sarcasm,” as opposed to “parody,” even is.
But I guess that the actual meanings of the words we use don’t matter much to STEM-supremacist coder turd types.
So, yeah, anyway clearly “parody” not “sarcasm” and yes it matters.
I then got a reply from him so vicious and overreactive that it can only be described as that of someone much more akin personality-wise to that of the “douche” from the title of the article we’re discussing.
And I get the douchey animated reply? Unbelievable. Clearly though, your usage of the term “pwn” at this point in time indicated I wasn’t dealing with anyone I should feel obligated to be respectful toward.

I made a mild, mild jibe at the guy’s run-on sentence, which was then defended as “sarcasm” which I quibbled with as not really understanding the definition of the word (later attempts at clarification totally showing it to be in fact parody; they are two separate things, why is that such a terrible thing to point out?) and then got my head bitten off in a thoroughly dickish way.
How am I being “overinvested”?

Did you have something to say about the actual topic of the thread, or nah?


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