Piers Morgan confronts Marjorie Taylor Greene on her notorious lies by playing her videos and asking her to explain them

Reliable Deniable


I Agree Season 3 GIF by PBS

Would it be wrong of me to want them to fight to the death in an interview and both die?


Yes, that would be wrong.

However, should they die prematurely, you may feel free to thoroughly enjoy their funerals.


Same. And she continued after taking office.
Piers chose really weak-sauce examples if he actually wanted to call her out. He could’ve also brought up the topic of decorum and played the Hogg video and the one of her harassing AOC through her office door.
And her “whataboutism” is so clumsy I can’t believe they let her get away with it on the air. Bringing up Morgan criticizing Guantanamo years ago is valid, but talking about Jan 6 is not, we should be talking about the more recent peaceful demonstrations re:Gaza and just forget all that other stuff happened. It’s infuriating.
No wonder people who watch this shit on TV are angry all the time.


But it’s not like anyone is putting words in her mouth over this - no one is claiming she uttered the exact phrase “Jewish space laser,” but merely that it’s an accurate summation of her claim. Which it totally is. There’s not the least bit of hyperbole involved. What she said was absolutely insane and reprehensible on multiple levels. She created a conspiracy to climate change and corporate malfeasance involving a technology that doesn’t exist, and tied it into anti-Semitic conspiracy theories (that also involved other people she doesn’t like). It was, in fact, a pretty representative example covering much of what makes her so awful.


Probably because he probably doesn’t care about tearing her down, but just about ratings… he probably wants to tear into her enough to get his fanbois frothing, but not enough to actually reveal her for what she actually is… because then she won’t come back.

And much like the algorithm feeding us clickbait, that’s the real point…


Just going to leave this here so it’s handy. Well how else is someone supposed to paraphrase this ramble?! You can’t quote her verbatim without putting the audience to sleep.

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We need to stop giving Piers Morgan air

In all the space laser hype, the bit about high-speed rail corridors burning is interesting to me, because here in Australia in 2019-20 during our huge season of bushfires, there was a similar bit of conspiracy chatter. Distinct lack of creativity of the part of whoever was starting that rumour.


Evil Laugh Reaction GIF



Ok, seriously, though, can we genuinely stop signal boosting Piers Morgan right now for being slightly less bloodthirsty of a ghoul than Tucker Carlson?

I’ve seen way too many folks fawning over his coverage of the :israel: :palestinian_territories: situation who really should know better.

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Conspiracy theory inbreeding it is


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