This perfectly illustrates my love hate relationship with that place.
Obviously this was an homage to his proud Celtic heritage.
I’m sure he was going to come back and do the rest on subsequent flights!
I like this description best: “1764, first known drawing from the Gentleman’s Magazine with measurements.”
I saw the angel within the marble and carved until I set it free.
Joggers do it all the time. Why not?
I guess I can think of worse ways for someone with more time and money than me to spend their time and money.
Why didn’t you call him a gentleman, huh? Something against Florida Man!?!
Besides, there’s the flying aspect. If you are into that thing, there is no reason that would not be good enough to take off.
And then there’s the precision-flying thing that goes into such endeavors. With small planes, even keeping a straight direction can be somewhat challenging, don’t ask how I know.
At least it wasn’t this Florida Man drawing the penises:
But what does the elevation plot look like?
Ideally, a vulva, but that might be a bit tricky to accomplish.
That’s Homo Floridensis to you.
Do you remember the old days when pilots used to skywrite without any electronic aids? I never could imagine the skill that took.
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