Pittsburgh killings: Trump blames synagogue for not having armed guards

That American Gods episode with Vulcan being portrayed as feeding on the souls of gun violence and human sacrifice pissed me off.
Vulcan and his feast Vulcanalia was specifically against human sacrifice. In their place; it calls for roasting a red calf and small fish in a fire.
Basically redbull and BBQ shrimp.


Trump just reiterated his identification as a “nationalist” in the worst possible way:

Trump himself joined in the “lock him up” chants about Soros at a rally in the last day or so.


Holy SHIT.

I can’t parse this. It is simply incomprehensible to me how the president of the USA can say something like this.

Guys, do me a personal favour and don’t make any further comparison to the shoa and the Reichspogromnacht for the time being.

The grossness of this statement doesn’t need those comparison.

Not on this BBS, at least. We all know that this is another line crossed, on purpose. And we are not going to end it by comparing the incomparable.


And Odin didn’t demand endless human sacrifices either. Easter is not actually the rebranded festival of Estore, etc. It’s fantasy, not a treatise on the rituals and beliefs of various pre-Christian gods.

As fantasy, the segment where they visit Vulcan was, I thought, an utterly brilliant satire and take down of the gun-worshipping segment of American culture.

ETA. Also, in-universe, the series is about American gods, gods transplanted to the New World without their worshippers, temples, or cults, who have adapted and changed in their new surroundings in order to survive. It doesn’t matter what Vulcan was like in Rome, in America, he has become a gun dealer who feeds on human death.


Black umbrellas matter.


I hope that all the republican Jews that voted for trump are deeply satisfied today.

In defense of Israel comes a white nationalist grand wizard who inspires the murder of Jews. Thanks. /X s


We live in an occupied nation. The soulless bastard can’t even pretend to show concern for victims. In his small little mind he is always the victim of people not giving him the worship he craves. I hope that the vote still counts enough his minions can be tossed from office. I also hope the American people can be troubled enough to actually get out and vote!


I would argue that the state of mind of the shooter today and those who took part in the Kristalnacht can in fact be similar. Difference of scale, sure, but not mindset.


Protection means armed guards? I thought Trump was urging people to use contraception?

I guess anyone who gets shot is to blame because they aren’t carrying a weapon at all times. Of course that didn’t save the cops from getting shot either, it would be nice for a reporter to point that out and see what Donny says.

But isn’t this the perfect encapsulation of what Libertarians want, everyone armed to make us all “safer?”


Or the ones who fund Islamophobe and anti-immigrant organizations catering to stirring up white supremacists. I can only imagine that they think that because they are well-connected, wealthy and privileged, that they’re in no danger. White supremacists are always fickle about who they let in their “white people’s club”, and they always work their way around to antisemitism. It’s just their nature.


Everyone knows about the murderous intention of antisemites. We don’t have to spell out the comparison, is is right there, in your face there. I would argue that the comparison, in this case, makes the situation less clear, and any discussion more difficult. Since the absolute inhumanity of the planned German “Endlösung der Judenfrage” is so incomprehensible, it just isn’t any help. I can’t discuss anti-semitism without the historical background, but any comparison seems bleak and somewhat flippant knowing what the Nazis planned, and what they realised of their plans.

Historians might disagree and pronounce that the comparison makes it clear where the danger for the future lies, but I would say we already know that because we all know about the shoa. We cannot have this, ever, again. That synagogues need to be protected is a continuing disgrace. That someone suggests the temple itself should be armed is even more so. This is pure evil.

BTW, the term “Reichskristallnacht” is problematic. When the Nazis got wind of it, they appropriated the term. Likewise neo-nazis glee about comparison to the historical Nazis. Fuck that, and fuck them.

Trump publicly declared himself a “nation-al soci-alist” last week. Most media passed over it, but he was heard loud and clear



You mean the gunman or The bloated orange one?

I don’t know if you have read the book but American beliefs changed the gods from what they were into the corrupted versions that you see in the show. At the end of the book you see an Icelandic Odin in a form far closer to how he was portrayed in history,


This is the guy who ran a newspaper ad calling for the death penalty for people who were later exonerated.

He’s still mad they weren’t killed before they were cleared.


Or mosques. Imagine the outrage if Muslims were seen to be carrying AR15s to Friday prayers.


Double down: Armed Nation of Islam.


That would honestly be scary on quite a few levels. Armed Scientologists?


Along with everyone who didn’t vote for someone else. If you don’t vote, you are a collaborator.