Pizza honoring September 11 gets surprise online response


I’m ticked they apologized.

Well, it’s not like they did something tasteless like put pineapple on it…

Onion would have been a far better choice.


It’s the motto for all human existence. It isn’t new just because it’s on twitter.


“Disgusted of Twitter Hell” then.

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Or send a shipment of their product to the troops. At last a donation that would be appreciated.

as long as they used kosher salt!

That’s the best part!


Dude, If I have to die on a hill about good chain pizza I will stab you over this opinion. I’ve had good pizza but If I need to order a pizza to pick up in the DC area then Ledo’s is the best. I’ve had far better pizza even here in DC but If I want pizza after work then Ledo’s is far superior to any other chain.

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Stab away, the blood from my wounds would likely be tastier than the (literally) weak sauce on Ledo’s.
Ther’s an union jack cake.
with pizza, mozzarella goes for the white, red for tomatoes, for blue a bit of purple cabbage cooked with baking soda and a bit of blue Stilton. It could be an edible pizza…

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Though you might want to go more with a black sausage approach, as that’d be closer to traditional pizza, though this has sometimes been described as “pizza”

Likely taste nasty, but still better than Ledo’s.

Yes, I think that that line is what ruined Starbucks’s plausible deniability. They could still recite the rebuttal they’d planned (namely, “What?”), but couldn’t keep a straight face.

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