This discussion, titled “Melizmatic’s Memeversation 5: The Tetralogy continues,” is a collection of various memes and gifs shared amongst the users. Animated images range from Sesame Street to Game of Thrones, expressing a variety of sentiments, such as excitement, disbelief, and humor. Users replaced text with related images to illustrate their comments, like an image of Steve Austin to visualize “The Six Million Dollar Man.”
Mindysan33 shares several 80s-inspired gifs, while BakaNeko and NekoBaka share memes from movie scenes. OhHai shares several images related to popular media, such as Monty Python & The Holy Grail. Smulder shares animated animals and fantasy-themed content. Zzzz shares various memes, including the “Ice Cream Spoon Game” and the “Disco Challenge.” Other users like NukeML, IkeOnABike, p96, Catsidhe, and DreamboatSkanky also contribute to the collection of shared gifs and memes. Themes range from quirky humor to fandom-related content.
In summary, this thread is a lively discussion featuring users sharing memes and gifs, with many users contributing to a collection of media references for amusement and bonding.
Summarized with AI on Jan 5
Thanks to all of you for the “lively” “amusement and bonding”!
@ficuswhisperer posted and then deleted their post, which might have been relevant to the subject of the thread, which was please give us a way to turn off all this new AI shit on the BBS.
Anyone else notice the username links in the AI summary go to odd places?
FGD135 concluded that there should be a solution but found it unclear whether changing from an accordion to a sousaphone is possible for “Weird AI”.
When I click that link (or any of the others in this AI summary), it goes to the BBS page for “A dog who caused $350k in damage tearing up a car dealership is up for adoption”
EDIT: This doesn’t seem to be the case for AI summaries of other topics