Police forced to drag selfish rat-licker from school board meeting

“Don’t resist Reed! If you were black you’d be dead by now.”

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How not to use your white privilege with minorities.

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I am sorely disappointed in BoingBoing. Came here expecting to see some guy refusing to share the rat he was licking. Not a single rat or any licking. I can shenanigans!

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Yeah, I applaud the officer for showing restraint in what would have felt like 50k volts of pure catharsis.


If she goes in I might encourage her printing something like that out and just pasting them up.

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first scene in Butch Cassidy, sorry people missed the reference!

I’m not white (and haven’t lived in easy mode), and I have no interest in being an apologist for white supremacist norms, though this season has opened my eyes more to brutality and injustice all around us.

I would like to know what it is that makes my words read the way you say they do. I thought I was in agreement.

Thanks. I got it backwards.

There were no Ratz harmed in that video. There were no rats.

The point I was trying to make is that there is a big difference between “People of color are significantly more likely to have their interactions with the police end in violence” and “ALL interactions between people of color and the police end in violence.” The fact that the first is true does not imply the second. And that second statement is what is implied by saying that one is sure that this would have been a violent interaction if the person was not white.

one of the features of white privilege is being able to believe

without suffering any physical consequences of that belief.


Come to think of it, can’t this ogre think about the children for one goddamn minute? It seems more like he’s pissed he missed his MMA class because of the school board meeting and someone dragging him out was the only way he could get some jiu jitsu grappling in.

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