Police forced to drag selfish rat-licker from school board meeting


That’s it.

This post does it too:




Did you not watch the video of the man saying they would have to drag him away, and that he wanted minority cops to be forced to taze him? He planned to create a scene to further his political cause by having a video of him being abused by police.


you’ve finally said something i can agree with completely.


Using that “I’m so reasonable” tone while being totally unreasonable is worth a tasering right there. Totally would have pepper sprayed and cuffed this guy as soon as he pulled his arm free.

Watching this I found myself yelling “TAZE HIM! TAZE HIM!” at my computer.

Well we really don’t know that. The videos that tend to go viral are the ones where violent miscarriages of justice occur. We don’t know what percentage of altercations those are, although we certainly can say that there are too many of them.

Yes, this sort of behavior certainly puts him in danger of grevious bodily harm, and that hazard is much higher for people of color.

The man desperately wanted to create a scene. I wonder whether a good approach would have been something like:
“You have three choices: you can put on a mask, you can leave, or you can be arrested. Because if I have to put hands on you you will be arrested for trespassing You will spend the night in jail, and be arraigned in the morning. The judge will set bail so that you will show up to your court date.” Because he clearly wanted to create a scene, but threatening him with consequences that are unpleasant AND not part of the scene that he wanted just might have persuaded him to leave.|

Edited to remove “anecdotally” because as Brainspore pointed out we have a wealth of statistical evidence that interactions with police are much more likely to devolve into violence for people of color.

yes we do.


Not just “anecdotally.” We have decades of hard data showing that People of Color face significantly higher risk of violence and death at the hands of police.


Police violence is one of the leading causes of death for young men of color in the United States.


It’s not just the dude himself but the community. If this had been a primarily minority school district, I doubt the police would have been as reluctant to use the taser as they were here. They didn’t want to shock or distress or risk injury to any of the nearby white people.

We know, but some in privileged positions still choose to not see it.

In addition to the statistics posted by @Brainspore, Black parents aren’t having “The Talk” with their kids just for fun.


so what if it was? he is one of those people who won’t press it forever. and maybe the intervening time will give him time to realize how dumb and embarrassing it is to fight the policy.

I noticed that when clicking on the read the full story.


Meanwhile my GF, who works for a city in the KC metro area, has to deal with a mask-denying director who wants everyone back at work in office October 5th. He literally said working in the office was as safe as working from home. And if the county doesn’t extend the mask ordinance, it will be optional at the office. She is super stressed about it.

I know she filed an extension to WFH with HR, but I am not sure what other options she has if they deny it. It’s fucking bullshit.


I am so sick of anti-maskers acting as if not wearing a mask doesn’t affect other people. It is its own form of assault.

Should’ve told him to leave once or he’d be arrested. Slapped him on the floor, cuffed him and dragged him out.

The fun part is that the cops denied him the video he wanted of being roughed up and they can still arrest him for assault on a police officer and resisting arrest.


One of them says he should be allowed to stay because he’s upfront.

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It’s extremely frustrating to me that there’s no teachable moment seized here. No “you’re infringing on everyone else’s right to remain safe from Covid-19 in this enclosed space, that’s why you’re being politely asked to leave. Do you understand?”. Instead the officer nearly sympathizes with the individual. In other words, they only appear equipped to serve as a tool for removal, that’s it, not make an attempt to change his mind, or call him on his bullshit (before removal). I’m not saying that would’ve been a slam dunk to change the situation, but where are the cops that defend the morality of the moment? Unequipped or they don’t agree with it.

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Ugh. I’m sorry for her.
I know the numbers aren’t validated in this graphic, but we’ve been using it with ranges instead of hard numbers to get community buy-in to masks:

The overall premise is supported, just not the specific percentages.


The infantalization of America is complete.

I was really hoping for the Taser to go off right at that moment.