Police forced to drag selfish rat-licker from school board meeting

I guess the line that was my “trigger” was your phrase “it was clear that he didn’t intend to injure the police.”

No. No. It’s not clear. I don’t feel it’s appropriate to just state that, when people of color never, ever get to rely on that point. And for all I know, you’re black. I still believe this. Probably a year ago I wouldn’t have looked at it quite the same. And let me tell you – I’m a preeeetty progressive-minded guy and always have been. But I am now seeing that asserting things that some people just don’t get to assert is not necessarily helpful. Especially in a context that can easily obscure tone and context like a text-based bbs, when it’s not usually obvious what background a person is coming from.

And yes, I do agree with many of the points you made, and re-read some of your posts. But I really do think it goes beyond knowing what is right and wrong, being rational, all that good stuff. It’s about realizing it’s just not cool to make blanket decrees, ones that not all communities are given the privilege of making in such a way, and assuming any rational person would just agree with it.

To me, it’s getting very close to “Oh, I’m colorblind, I’m not the problem” territory. No one of color in this country from the moment they pop out, for one second of their lives, has the privilege to think in terms of “color-blindness.” And again I think you know this, I am just talking through the specifics of my point.

Minorities are treated as the “other” from day 1. I don’t get the feeling that most black folks have the luxury to just stop thinking of people in racial terms – because they themselves are being blatantly thought of, in racial terms, every single day by the bulk of the society around them.

But I apologize for coming on a bit strong. As some here might agree with, I think I actually have been mellowing on the bb forum over the past couple years… mostly. :wink:

I’ll give you a personal example of some of my own shift. From like an hour ago. And very close to home, here on bb.

I saw I got a like on some post, so like any normal 21st-century dopamine-hooked cyborg sucking from the teet of the nascent (batshit) global hive mind, I took a peek, and it was a post from 6 years ago.

Definitely an even-more-ragey phase of NickyG! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I was, loudly and vehemently and yellingly, making proclamatory statements involving a particularly fucked-with minority community that I consider myself wholly aligned with and ally to. Have friends amongst.

And JFC – I realized just how out of line I was in a few major ways. And a lot of it involved trying to make a strong, rational point – that I now realize, I just don’t have the right to make in that kind of way. Not even if it’s saying things compatible with the views of many in that community.

But yeah, no. I wouldn’t put the thoughts out there in that way now, because I realize I just don’t have the right to make strong, “rational,” presumptive arguments representing the perspective of any element of a community that I can’t claim to understand the diverse set of experiences of in any way, shape, or form. I mean, maybe in some circles with people I already know quite well? But on an internet forum, trying to make a point? Nah. And I will reiterate, it was much more egregious than your statement. Yeeaaah.

So enough for now, and thank you for engaging politely. I give you the benefit of the doubt. Tbh, I often post things like this halfway for myself, to assist with working through my thinking about these things. I think the better we can get at engaging around these kinds of nuanced issues and articulating our perspectives, the more helpful it will be in productively rectifying the very deep issues we face.


Yes, nailed it. Very well-articulated IMHO. :slight_smile:


What if that’s also what he intended? To stonewall proceedings he didn’t like?

The title had me expecting them to physically haul the guy out. This guy gets the benefit of a de-escalation even with actual physical aggression. I was wrong to think it would be cathartic to see a white man be treated the way I’ve seen so many Black and Asian people treated, especially when he “had it coming.”

As @GulliverFoyle, among many, points out it is “heads I win, tails you lose.” He wanted to be on camera. He was egging everyone on. Even to see everyone shut the meeting down and leave. He still wins.

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You’re disappointed the wannabe martyr didn’t get everything he wanted?

His goal was to have a video to feed covidiots’ delusions of wypipo being oppressed for trying to kill people by spreading covid-19. He tries to get the cops to tase him.


He has kids? So sorry for them.

I totally get the frustration that his privilege is what protects him from police abuse. But that’s why he wanted to get tased and dragged out, because he knew his privilege would protect him from death or permanent injury while giving him the video he wanted of a cop of, in his words, “minority decent” attacking a white guy. That’s why he deliberately tried to goad the POC cop instead of the white cop, up to and including actually assaulting the POC cop. Fortunately both cops declined to dance to his tune.


He really doesn’t. A sit-in can be an effective form of protest, but this clown wasn’t remotely prepared for that. Instead of being allowed to stay despite not wearing a mask, instead of the meeting being cancelled or moved because of him, instead of being a white martyr by being dragged out or tased or oppressed by a cop of “minority descent”, we get this outcome: his being gently frogmarched out by cops while the other attendees call him a jerk watch in embarrassed and uncomfortable silence before they resume the meeting. His only “win” is that he isn’t beaten up or otherwise physically harmed, and that’s because he’s white. Otherwise everyone present (except for his confederate) and everyone watching (except for other covidiots) comes away with the same impression: “Christ, what an arsehole!”

He doesn’t get any of the outcomes he wants because he was lazy. He may have anticipated multiple outcomes, but his entire protest “strategy” was predicated on his usual manner of intimidating people into giving him what he wants (i.e. being a tall privileged white guy who affects a gaslighting tone of faux reason). That stops being effective when those around him see him clearly for what he actually is.

It’s the same reason that the oh-so-clever apologists for white supremacist norms never last long on this BBS: they’ve been playing on easy mode for so long that when they try to test boundaries they’re ill-equipped to handle actual smart and educated people who respect the community’s rules…


I wish they did but they mostly seem to be supporting him.


I see one loud-mouthed woman (his confederate) supporting him and attempting to continue the disruption before she punks out, too.

You’re right that the rest don’t call him a jerk, though: they’re waiting in embarrassed silence for him to be out of the room so they can get on with the meeting. I’ve edited above to reflect that.


Yeah, that’s the part that really hit it home to me what a jack-hole this guy is.

You want to be anti-mask? Fine. You’re as asshole and should get kicked out of any meeting that requires one (hell, I can’t even get into my office building without one).

You want to be anti-minority? Fuck you, and you should have been cuffed and hauled off. Along with that other anti-masker behind you.

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He grabbed the officer’s shirt before he pointed out the officer was of “minority descent”.

Am I the only one getting an article about learning the piano as the OP?

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It’s slang for someone who carelessly spreads disease. I think the term has roots in the Bubonic Plague.


How are you getting there? When I click the link at the top of the BBS topic it goes back to the proper FPP.

No… It’s only when you click on “show full post” thingie, @gracchus . When you go out to the main page, you get the correct story.



Ok. I don’t usually use that functionality. I tried it and, yes, reproduced @L0ki’s issue.


Honestly, I’m more likely to click that than go out to the main page…


I’m scared to go out there… It’s been so long.


There’s a throwaway line of narration in The Moon’s Shadow by Catherine Asaro where the Eubian Emperor is described as being so powerful that he’s one of the few if not only people in that civilization whom the holographically projected ads can’t invade his palace. I think of that line often.