Police forced to drag selfish rat-licker from school board meeting

Also, rat-licker?

Did he literally lick a rat?

Or am I out of the loop here?


I didn’t say that he was being passive. I said it was clear that he didn’t intend to injure the police. A big guy like that, used to intimidating, could have thrown punches and he didn’t do so. His goal was to show that his “civil rights” were being violated and the Trumpian crowd will see it that way. The fact that he is an idiot about both health and civil rights won’t really enter into it for them.

Exactly this. The police should have at least this much restraint when dealing with minorities. In particular they should go out of their way to do so when the protest is literally against police brutality. It boggles my mind that somehow the police are able to show this much restraint here but when faced with peaceful minorities, they go bloodsport.

I used to think that the biggest factor in racial disparities in policing is that police are have fear of minorities, but this dude is actually scary, much larger than either of the cops, and yet they manage to be completely gentle.

However, I don’t see it that they underreacted here, more that they proved they can do it so it should be applied everywhere.


Trying to figure out why this perversity made me laugh. It’s opposite of anything I’d want to happen in reality: I oppose use of tazers, and don’t wish physical pain on that woman.

Yet this short sentence released a pressure valve for me tonight and I am cracking up. I think at the shock I imagine on her face mid-rant. I feel gross for laughing

Actually ima flag my own post. Can I do that?



hahahahahaha this thread tonight, Boing Boing omg


Betty White. Say her name.



Bet. He. White.


That? That’s white privilege!


I am extremely disappointed in the lack of tasing.


White privilege is even being able to type that statement, in any seriousness, and not understand the sheer out-of-touchness of it. Please know, for me, this is not the same as saying you are a horrible person. All us white folks HAVE white privilege, inherently, no matter what. It’s baked in, currently.

Did George Floyd look like he was intending to injure police over the course of the ~9 minutes he was murdered, on video, from multiple angles, in the middle of the day, in front of onlookers, without the police even seeming to consider that maybe murdering a guy in this way was not a good thing? No, no he didn’t. But you know what? Copy murdered his ass anyway. Slowly. Painfully. WITHOUT EVEN THINKING THEY MIGHT GET IN TROUBLE FOR IT, apparently.

Consider your perspective. It’s not even relevant to the conversation, frankly.


Nice flip flops

It’s really depressing that so many people dismiss and mock the pain of others. :frowning_face:


Maybe they should of used a spit hood first.

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It looks like a physical confrontation is exactly what he was hoping for when he came there. “Police officer of minority descent”. Fucking asshole.


Who is denying anything of what you say here? There may be someone else in the thread but the very first post I had in this thread said “But I am reminded that cis-white-male is the world’s easy-mode.” The fact that it never even occurred to this person that they could be George Floyd or Daniel Prude or Eric Garner is white privilege.

I don’t think the cops should have tased him and knelt on his neck for his actions. That doesn’t mean I think that he isn’t a stupid asshole and lucky that he is white.

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Eric Garner,
Javier Ambler,
Manuel Ellis,
Elijah McClain,
Antonio Valenzuela,
Daniel Prude,
Jacob Blake,

I mean how much evidence do you need? These particular cops may never have acted murderously, but the fact that the dude in this video never even had to think that he could end up as one of these names is white privilege.


To the anti mask idiot:

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Bullshit. He gave them an ultimatum.

Exactly the problem.


I only watched the twitter, because ugh, instagram, but:

He kept saying how the people running the meeting were sowing discord, because he didn’t like their rules. This also is a privilege on display. YOU are sowing discord because I don’t like your rules.

Handling this stuff as groups is hard, as each person contributes differently. The cops clearly would have preferred to not get physical, for probably a multitude of reasons. I’ve seen this stuff backed down (not antimaskers, but similar vein from the before days, when i met with groups of people) when 1 person of reasonable competency and charisma does all of the talking. It isolates the dissenter, depriving them of the attention they want most.

Also, the cops appear to have N95 masks. This seems unusual, at least around my area.