Police set dog on a driver who politely refuses to answer questions

I am with you, there. It’s why I left.

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We don’t?


There are some places where you can build a home on free land within a city on a tiny lot but that’s still living in society which kinda moots the whole moving out of society idea I was responding to and precludes the possibility of living off the land. Alaska used to have land you could settle away from cities but that’s come to an end.
Our nation has either sold all the land or taken it as national parks and preserves.


I’m not sure it’s a problem.

Which isn’t to say that the ideology of a group one chooses to belong to doesn’t matter. I’m sure there are Nazis with lovely singing voices who pet every dog they see - doesn’t change them being Nazis.

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So the “Sovereign Citizen” who we all know is not okay with a license or license plate is good with registering for concealed carry permit? WTF?
Also considering how obnoxious and seemingly itching for a conflict they are from the other footage I have seen of them with the popo I surprised this hasn’t happened on video yet.


Indeed which is why we don’t say Nazi’s have lovely singing voices and pet every dog they see just because some Nazi’s behave that way.

To put a finer point on it, ask a racialized minority if treating individuals as representative of their group or treating individuals based upon the actions of others in their group is a problem.

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Is this happening to sovereign citizens? They’re not a racial minority. edit - you’re literally judging sovereign citizens on their character - if you judge them.


I see–you’re more referring to the fact that you can’t get land for free any more. I think there are plenty of places where one could buy a few acres of land for not a whole bunch of money and be left alone to one’s heart’s content, though.

The rub comes where someone wants to be “left alone” but still would like access to things like fuel to keep from freezing to death or an electrical grid so they can have lights on at night or a hospital for when they swing an ax into their foot.


Whenever I see a cop, I assume that they’re in it so they can satisfy their need to fuck over citizens – innocent or not. Heck… I don’t think one can be innocent enough around them.


Maybe they should have the officer, and not the dog, ask the questions next time?


All one need do is read this thread to see it in action

No one is arguing that they are. What I’m saying (and I kind of suspect you know this already) is that we have created a lot of problems for society because we decided to pre-judge entire groups of people based on the actions of a few. It’s logically unsound and morally indefensible to use the actions of a small subset of a group to paint broad strokes about the behaviour of the entire group. Now, if we are talking about a defining commonality of any given group like how Nazi’s beleive in racial superiority, then we are not making that mistake because the entire group identifies with that particular ideology.


you can explain a false equivalence to someone, but you can’t understand it for them

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You can explain the problems of unfounded prejudice to someone but you can’t understand it for them.

Of course. But there is the little problem of having to participate in society in order to get those little green bit of paper so that you can buy the land. So that path has now become: be an actively participating member of society long enough to buy what you need and then drop out.

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Gotcha - OK for Nazis - not any other ideology.

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“No one is free who is not alone.” -Issabelle Eberhardt


I’m pretty sure I covered that prejudice of a group based upon actions or ideologies which that group has chosen to identify themselves by is not problematic in any way. So, if we pre-judge line dancers as people who line dance, we are not being illogical or immoral in any way. However, if some line dancers like to drink a case of Coors Light and tear up the town, we would be mistaken in saying line dancers are drunks who destroy things. Do I need to explain this obvious difference any further?


Hey I see a black officer and white suspect…

I guaran-fucking-tee you that’s why the dog was turned loose on him. That black officer knows damn well those sovereign-citizen types tend to be white supremacists.

Not a sovereign citizen but I have done this- not recommended. (Don’t chop wood in the rain, ya dummy!)


I think my larger point may have been poorly made. I’m pointing out that folks who want to “drop out” are actually asking for free stuff and usually want a lot of the fundamental benefits of society without the responsibilities.

Don’t get me wrong–I bear no ill will to someone who wants to have a cabin in the woods and doesn’t like interacting with other people. I just think it’s less than honest when people pretend that what they really want is to truly be left alone.


Absolutely. Hypocrites are everywhere. You can’t pretend to remove yourself from society while driving on a publicly funded road with a pocket full of fiat currency.