Politician who opposed mandatory chickenpox vaccine has been hospitalized after getting chickenpox

This is the medical equivalent of “Hey y’all, watch this!”
I don’t always take pleasure in schadenfreude but when I do, I laugh really hard.


Not just got it, but is in the hospital? When my kids were little and got it (before the vaccinations existed), they got oatmeal baths and tons of that thick pink stuff on their bodies. My son still has a small scar on his face from one of the bumps he scratched open out of frustration. They didn’t go to the hospital, nor (thankfully) did any other child we know. Yes, I know it can and does kill some people.

As much as it’s not good to relish in someone’s pain and suffering, hopefully he will now feel it is important and change his opinion before someone more important gets hurt.

It tends to be more serious in adults so hospitalization is common.


What’s the over/under on that?

had to spend four days in the hospital

Maybe non-USA anti-vaxers who contract vaccine-preventable diseases should be punished by only receiving care through the high-priced, for-profit US medical system.

We don’t want him to die… just some 'murican long-term financial suffering.

Not really. My child was born in 1987 and got chicken pox a couple of months before the vaccine was released. If I could have vaccinated her I would have.


The majority of adults are under vaccinated,so many more new vaccines have come out since the 90s, and the ones they already did have are probably no longer effective. Parents vaccinate in the hopes of protecting their children but every adult they’re around are probably a risk to them as they are not fully vaccinated. Let this article be a warning, everyone get out there and roll up your sleeves. First you need to check the children’s recommended schedule make sure you have everything that’s on that schedule and then check the adult schedule for any additional vaccines not listed on the childhood schedule.


If you had chicken pox as a kid does one still need to get vaccinated? I suffered though that in the 70s and it was not fun.


My understanding is that having the actual disease gives lifelong immunity, with some very rare exceptions.


It also means you are at risk for shingles from the virus lingering in your body, and from all reports shingles is awful. The good news is that there is a shingles vaccine. I got mine at the first opportunity.


Thanks, I’ll look into that.

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i saw a bunch of news articles that a state rep or somesuch made sure that his nine kids got chickenpox as kids purposefully.

i don’t have kids, and i am past the point of having them. but my folks did this. is this now considered bad parenting ?

In the prevaccine days, it was a reasonable approach, since getting chicken pox as an older child or adult can be devastating. Now, though, with an effective vaccine available, it is running an unnecessary risk with your child.


I’m glad that I never had kids. I’m sure that I would buck at that one. I don’t know if it is the delegitimizing of my childhood experience or what.

I looked up how long that lasts and what is the percentage of people that get boosters in adulthood. Interesting and thank you for the reply.

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