Polygon, a



Extraordinary animation technique! Love the message.

Looks like a blend of rotoscopy, computer animation, and tempera, but cant tell exactly where each one begins and ends.

Absolutely lovely!

Yeah, great piece.

I donā€™t think he actually used rotoscoping, and he definitely wasnā€™t using computer animation in 1977 Russia.

this obituary has a load of info about his work and more videos: http://niffiwan.livejournal.com/29239.html

When Anatoliy Alekseyevich was asked why he finally settled on the style of hyper-realism, he would answer: how else can an artist convey the richness of the nature surrounding him? All the beauty of the sea or mountain landscape? How, with stylistic methods of art, can you make viewers believe that a drawn protagonist moving into the depths of the frame is filled with tragic thoughts about life and death? It is no exaggeration to say that Petrov assumed the role of the Demiurge in the full sense of the word; he knew that he was unable to compete with nature, and still tried to get closer to this result. Are there many people in animation today who are ready to set such goals? The very same Petrov said that the best situation for an artist is to be as ā€œequidistantā€ from all political parties as from all religions. To try to maintain calmness and objectivity.

His last few years were difficult attempts to find one to whom he could pass on his experience, skill and vision of the nature of animation. These attempts proved almost fruitless. Many of his students refused to understand why the animator had to draw well and know anatomy, if the technology of ā€œFlash animationā€ existed, and ignorantly called his masterly scenes from ā€œFiring Rangeā€ ā€œĆ‰clairā€ [ā€œrotoscopingā€]. They were not even able to understand that it is precisely with ā€œrotoscopingā€ that this effect can not be achieved. That this can only be done with Golden Hands and Great Experience.

Isnā€™t this called ā€œFiring Rangeā€ and not Polygon?

Well, ŠæŠ¾Š»ŠøŠ³Š¾Š½ [poligon] means ā€œproving groundā€ in this case, so the naĆÆve translation to ā€œpolygonā€ is wrong here. Especially when the first thing in the video is a title card with ā€œFiring Rangeā€ on itā€¦


hmmā€¦ the professor in flashback kinda looked like William Holden? I admit, i got nothing.

From the Wikipedia page:

The characters in this animated film were designed with faces very similar to those of several famous movie actors and celebrities of the time, including Ringo Starr, Jean Gabin, Paul Newman, Yul Brynner and Mel Ferrer (The scientist) among others.

Ringo is obviously the guy whoā€™s afraid of getting crushed and Yul Brynner the shipā€™s captain. Jean Gabin the general. Iā€™m curious about the others, though!

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This was teh awesomez and Iā€™m glad I saw it. Thanks.

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