Pomplamoose covers Hall & Oates' 'Rich Girl'

I would have included you in my response, but didn’t see it until after I sent it. dude I saw so many live bands in Hollywood, but that was later. By the way, thanks drill sergeant.

And this was the thing that sucked about Wichita. I could get my hands on recorded media, but I’d be damned if you could find a live show that wasn’t country, rock/heavy metal, or pop. I think the situation continues today.

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Auditory hallucinations induced with Pavlovian conditioning - Boing Boing ?

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I’m curious: Why does the drummer seem to have no playback in/on his ears? I would assume they all want/need to hear each other to play live like this.

Well, to be fair, that depends on how old you are/were. I still haven’t gotten over my mother-induced Barbra Streisand trauma.

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Damn. Thus cover is so good it really makes the H&O version feel more like a rough draft than an original.

been listening to LSD for 2 days straight now. Thank you!


Because the drummer has the correct tempo and therefore no need to hear the shitty tempo anyone is thinks is correct.

I must have been a lonely child because man this stuff is burned into my brain. But honestly there’s hardly a genre I can’t find something I like.

I believe we need to make an offering or else the ghost of Koko will come and kick our asses with smoothness.


And now the ladies!

A question for @YetiLives: Have you never been mellow?


Well shit. If all you want is a metronome, buy one of those.

Don’t forget the duets:


Wait a minute, this is edging out of the '70s…


My sources tell me that it was an accidental mispeling1); it was supposed to be Pamplona Moose.

1) That’s the way it should be spelled.

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76 responses and no one has yet mentioned “Seasons in the Sun”? Smack dab in the middle of the 70’s.

Won’t post a link, but let me leave this here. “The stars we could reach were just starfish on the beach”

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Barf. :grinning:


Ha ha ha.


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