I was just hoping the phrase “porn star has been playing months-long game of chess with the President” would get the general public interested in chess.
In the end, we know that Donald will knock the pieces over, crap on the board, and fly back to Mar-a-Lago to claim victory.
That has been the trope that most people grew up with, that porn was something you did when all other career options were exhausted. Think of all the times you heard “I was young and needed the money” as a joke.
Fortunately, the individuals “turning the keys” aren’t nearly as isolated from the world as they were at the beginning of the implementation of MAD. From the carrier of “the football” to the folks at the last point in weapons control, they know as well as the rest of us the world we live in and that mistakes can happen (see Hawaii’s recent false alarm.) As much as the need for obedience to the chain of command is required for the system to work, it’s not like it’s literally automated; people (with families) still have to agree with the orders and agree they should be carried out (and for most of the nuclear weapons control, the actual firing step requires agreement and cooperation of two or more operators - obviously no individual can be left with the power to just decide to launch on their own.) There also isn’t the threat of a military “lightning-strike” from the USSR anymore, regardless of nuclear first-strike, there just isn’t a military juggernaut anywhere in the world (including the U.S.) which could make any serious immediate progress against the rest of the entire world and the rank-and-file in the U.S. military know it.
Not that MAD isn’t insane and that obedience to orders, no matter how crazy, aren’t carried out daily in the MIC. Also clearly no one as stupid and psychologically unfit as Dolt 45 should have any input to anything regarding any nuclear process at any level.
But, thankfully, it’s not as simple as just hitting DEL.
Mr. Trump, please say or tweet “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” please please please please
Well the reality is that some people do go into sex worker and pornography because they find themselves with limited options and some people are exploited. But another reality is that meritocracy is a myth and just because you are smart and hardworking doesn’t mean you’ll have good opportunities. Somewhere in America there’s a genius getting fired from their burger flipping job at McDonalds.
White plays: “It’s good to be the king.”
Black replies: One Night in Bangkok
Which is why I said “trope”, as it is merely a cliché. A story we lazily fall into, the whole idea of porn actors being as dumb. See Boogie Nights for the stereotype we all believe in, despite it not being based in reality.
Fess up: who looked at the board carefully to make sure the pieces were in the right place? Queening on its color. (Those knights look a bit cowboy to me.)
“I uhhh. . . sorry, is it my turn? I’m having a hard time concentrating on the game.”
Sounds too much like MRA, which can go rot in hell.
Yeah, exactly, which is why I felt like it was worth making a post to push back against that. Remind ourselves that while “porn actor Stormy Daniels” is fair in a headline, she’s really a whole person, not a one-dimensional caricature.
At any rate, I have no opinion about how smart she is, but I would bet that she actually pays her lawyer(s), and that might make a difference in how a legal battle turns out.
I’m halfway expecting Il Douche’s defense to be that the NDAs he uses with women he pays for sex are corporate EULAs, therefore his actual signature is not needed.
At his shirtless mancrush, after all that Vlad has done for him? Never. N. Korea or Iran, on the other hand…
For someone so in love with his own name, he certainly spends lots of time hiding behind fake ones.
I’ve been trying to think of a person who maintains any kind of personal contact with Don that isn’t on one payroll or another…
There have been mutterings of “if he came to us with a first strike, out of the blue, we would disregard the order” among the generals. It was the subject of an extraordinary congressional hearing, a while back. Of course, they refuse to say so directly. I think the reasoning is that an order for an unprovoked nuclear attack would strongly suggest the president is incapacitated.
The problem is you can imagine plenty of scenarios where it’s not such a clear case of “off his rocker.”
I do. I have heard her talk and watched this whole thing unfold: she’s fuckin smart. And smart for hiring smart lawyers and doggedly pursuing it, not only for her own benefit but to stick it to a complete bastard who deserves it.
People get defined in news by whatever trait is most salient to the story. So in a story about your harrowing experience with the child healthcare system you’ll be “parent of three” but in a story about your work on a new aircraft you’ll be “aeronautical engineer”.
Excellent point, so this story is really about “one time Louisiana Senator hopeful, Stormy Daniels” and “Evangelical candidate, President Whoremonger.” Honestly, I wish that you had been my Journalism teacher.