Post your collections/passions

In talking with @MagicFox I mentioned that I had recently, finally, got most of my Boba Fett collection up for display. So I thought I would post it.

Feel free to add to the thread posting your collection, or if you’re not really the collecting type, but passionate about crochet or gardening or something, post that.

![Boba Fett Collection 12|690x242]

Shout out to Museum Putty and stands to keep things upright, and these little elastic bands for braces to keep some of the guns in hands.

I had a video where I turned my little display case around 360, but cant post it to BB, so sorry about that.


I don’t have any pics, but we have well over 30,000 books!

Decades after the fact, Mom suddenly took a serious fancy to the green occupied Japan Dragonware cup and saucer my friend Mike’s mom gave me from her collection. She decided, in Animist fashion, that it had been lonely for far too long, and we began buying cool Dragonware pieces on ebay. These pics are current Dragonware offerings on ebay:


Thank you! That’s awesome!


A collection and a passion? I do wiki a bit, and in three weeks, on the other side of the move, I can hit the backlog.


I thought I saw a Bandai 1/12 scale Boba Fett model in @Mister44’s collection.

Here is my build. The whole thing is painted. I color matched from ESB. I haven’t applied the dents yet, as I am still deciding whether to use the included decals or to do my own chipping with a sponge and brush.


Those are cool!

That’s awesome! Years and years ago I did a “show off your bookshelves” post, but I can’t even find it now. I gotta get another shelf at some point as things are getting stuffed!

That Looks great. I DO have one of those, but I haven’t built it yet! Did you use acrylic paints and if so, like the cheap Hobby Lobby kind, or the nice ones you find at game stores for miniatures?


I use mostly hobby shop acrylics: Tamiya, Vallejo, and Testor, and have a few enamels from Testors. The Hobby Lobby acrylics are formulated for porous materials like paper and canvas, but could be used for models but you’d need to water them way, way, waaaaay down.

If you’re interested, I can dig up my build notebook and give you the info on paints and mixing ratios I used for the model.


Well I do like your paint scheme, so yeah, if you took notes on the colors used, do send it my way. I can’t promise I will work on it any time soon, but Thanks!

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There won’t be enough ahem room for our books in the small back bedroom we’re turning into The Library. I don’t think even our great big living room has sufficient wall space for all the bookcases we’d need. It wouldn’t work even if we covered up all five LR windows w/'em. The books will require several rooms.

I’m now actively wondering whether one of the big (4-5 shelves if Memory serves) cheap flatpack bookcases in the attic (once my bedroom) would fit on the short wall on the N side of the LR. I’d love having easy access to all our reference works and other oft-consulted tomes. There’s a small, pretty old bookcase there RN with some ref in it. The atlases don’t fit, and the rest is various stuff no one’s looked at in years fool65 sad

I’m also wishing the big bookcase from my childhood were much less wimpy (big HCs can only go on the solid bottom shelf, above the cupboard doors), not blah wood painted white, and salvageable.

We need more bookcases than what we’ve got, and I want all our books to live on shelves instead of in cardboard boxes.

There are lots of foreign language and English dictionaires, and other ref works. Lots of books about Ancient Egypt, horses, Tibetan Buddhism, spirituality, art, animals, history, weirdness, and a good am’t of literature, fiction, etc. There are a fair number of books about books and libraries, too. When they’re all together on a shelf, the Nero Wolfe mystery paperbacks measure more than a meter. Mom went on a mysteries jag & bought a ton of old school writers’ stuff, mostly published by Dover. Dover’s so damn cool.

My BF’s got a ton of sci-fi, big HC vintage comics anthologies, and books about art, music and musicians, horror fiction, Irish history, weirdness, and also literature and fiction.


A great goal!

My great aunt used to have a huge shelf lined with yellow spines of National Geo graphics. I had a huge collection myself, but I moved and just ran out of space, but I found a good home for them (I hope).

Dream is to have a full library room someday. But also make sure the windows are 100% UV blocking.


Thank you! I’ve read enough books about libraries to be forewarned re: UV/sunlight, etc tophat-biggrin but all reminders are much valued and appreciated!

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Maybe later I will make a new “Post your book shelves” post and you can at least show off some of your books!

I recently got some gorgeous coffee table type books I was very excited about. One is a fantastic book showing off Potawatomi regalia. And the other is a book showcasing the work of the UK design firm The Designers Republic.

Do you get the Brodart catalog? I order Mylar from there and all my dust jackets have Mylar! They look sooo good! They have so many other organizational things I can drool over.


Love Mylar covers, and large print library bindings! I’m hip to Brodart, but never had a catalogue of my own, just flipped thru teachers’ and friends’ copies.

I can’t get at most of our books at the mo. We were full to burstin’ when my BF moved in his stuff. While the schools were remote only we got rid of a lotta stuff, and he got a lot rearranged, but that ended long before we’d finished.

I knew I’d forget something - there are a LOT of gardening, plants, and orchid books here, too.


Three passions in one set of photos:

Macross, modeling, and Picco Neemo.

Fun but challenging build; the mold is from 1982, when models were designed by creating sculptures of the final product, then the sculpture would be cut up to create the various pieces, unlike now where everything is designed in 3D modeling software. Very little fit properly, requiring putty, lots of sanding, and lots of priming and painting.

I actually started it during the pandemic, building using one technique, then put it aside a couple years then dusted it off this summer and finished it using a different technique, so there is a little inconsistency with the seams and alignment.


We used to have tons of books, and I had six bookshelves of comics, manga, and art books. Complete Love&Rockets, complete Eightball, all the first edition Charles Burns, complete Acme Novelty Library, complete full color Akira, Jim and Frank, Hate, Raw, all of Geoff Darrow’s stuff, Paul Pope, etc.

Then the flood took everything (including over 2000 cds and hundreds of vinyl records, three paid-off vehicles, all my analog synths and drum machines and every last bit of clothes we had). That was 14 years ago and we never really recovered. I basically quit collecting books and records (well, mostly) but I’ve been slowly building back up my music gear for the the studio I hope to have one day in the room that currently is filled with cats…

Which leads to the collecting thing - I collect movie posters to decorate my future studio. Very specific movie posters, posters of the best movie genre/movement/time period, late ‘80’s to early ‘90’s Hong Kong Wuxia and fantasy action films. The pinnacle of filmic achievement in my opinion.

Also the posters are beautiful!

These are in storage (i.e. framed but covered in dust leaning against the wall in a hallway you can’t walk through because of all the stuff in “storage”, or still rolled up in their tubes) so the pics are from the internet, but these are what will one day hang on my walls if I don’t die first:

Iron Monkey


Green Snake


The Swordsman


Tai Chi Master

A Chinese Ghost Story 3


The Three Swordsmen


The Bride with White Hair

Once Upon a Time in China


Also a beautiful poster for Fire Dragon but I couldn’t find a picture online. I want to get the Chinese Ghost Story 1 & 2 posters, and also Swordsman 2 & 3, and I would love to get the posters for Fong Sai Yuk and Ashes of Time - but unemployment and crippling medical bills have put a hold on collecting :weary:


That is an incredibly wonderful collection! I used to absolutely adore Star Wars, and it was a big part of my life for a long time - Boba Fett was always my favorite character and your collection honestly made me gasp in delight! I absolutely love the helmets you’ve got and on display; the helmet is what made me fall in love with the character in the first place.


A work friend and I, both huge Star Wars fans, used to joke that cool helmets and armor were driving the Star Wars economy.

Cue montage of nerdy sentient trying out various accessories, to finally strut out of a swank looking shop a bad-ass bounty hunter…


Used to post scenes like this on Japanese Twitter.

Deleted my account the day after ownership transitioned to Elno. No desire to hang out in a nazi bar, even in the corners the Nazis don’t bother visiting.


These figures here, mixed with your earlier post with your models look amazing! It looks like you put meticulous detail into each shot and I enjoy them! I’m into Gunpla (though only the basic models for now) and if I can get a nice picture I’d like to share some here!

Yeah, I also deleted my account not long after the change in ownership for the same reasons. I tried to hold on because of the creators I followed, but decided I couldn’t stick around. Though if that hadn’t happened I might not have found boingboing, a place I enjoy magnitudes more than I ever enjoyed Twitter.

I mean, is there anything else that that universe produces reliably enough to be a driving export?

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