Poster for an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie

Lucas stole that directly from Yojimbo.

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Right but there’s still a hint of the spaghetti western trope that was lifted from Kurosawa.

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Star Wars is already a spaghetti western, in the style of the Seven Samurai.

I thought it was a space opera?


Nah that was Message From Space, or Battle Beyond the Stars, and we have been down this road before.

Star Wars is The Hidden Fortress.

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Why not both dot gif thing?

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It should be a space musical.

Oh, it’s not easy being a protocol droid.
Out in space. Out in the big black void.
Over 6 million forms of communication
and yet I seem to freak out
in every situuuuuuaaaaation!

jazz hands

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