Prefilled Communion Cups with Wafers - Box of 500

The leftovers are put in the Tabernacle. Some are taken to the sick and elderly who can’t attend Mass. A priest has to concentrate it but it can be distributed by a Eucharistic minister.

Plus there is this thing called Adoration where the Tabernacle is opened for a bit and people pray in the presence of the Eucharist. One of my grandmother-in-laws goes to Adoration frequently and has an annoying habit of stopping by the other grandmother-in-law’s house to announce where she is going so everyone knows how devout she is.


Ahh yes, I always forget about Eastern Rite Catholics, Melkites, etc., anyway it sounds like the same style of wine and bread.

The Anglican Realignment has already happened.

The Episcopal church in which I was baptized and confirmed is part of the conservative San Joaquin Valley Diocese, which took control of all of the property and financials of the local churches. The courts have ruled against the seizure.

Erm…that link shows artichoke-flavored liquor (along with some other, secret, flavors in it)—but here is a liquor bottled with asparagus in it, supposedly tasting of the asparagus. (Other sources say that asparagus helps with the effects of alcohol on the body. Interesting!)

Oh yeah one of many! Its been a long time since I bothered to keep up on these things (20 years since I was a church goer). But IIRC that was one of the most recent splinters. You’ll have to forgive me as I’ve had a few beers, so its hard for me to parse the linked article. But it sounds (especially given the detail you’ve added) that this was the exodus of more conservative, Anglican aligned churches away from the more liberal Episcopal Church in the US. The mostly more liberal Episcopal churches in (mostly) the US still maintain their loose connection to the Anglican Church overall. And these sorts of things tend to be movements way from both over the pride parade that is the only church I still have respect for. To be short, if this is what I’m thinking of, these congregations have voted Nader. They’ve left both the Episcopal church for doing the evil. And the Anglican church for not hating that enough.

Sorry if beer has lead me to misinterpret that all. But what I was referring to was the inevitable total bifurcation between the Liberal, American, Episcopal Church in totality and any remaining Anglican bodies (whether official or otherwise). I might be an Atheist, but I still very much look forward to that happening.

Still sounds disgusting! Then there’s VOV, a liqueur made from egg yolk. I only know of this stuff from a delightful song by Amy X Neuburg called “My God” on her album Residue. Which brings the discussion full circle, in a way.

I cannot recommend Amy X highly enough BTW. About my favorite musician/composer. The Tatoo Song on Residue is hilarious.


Of course, the author couldn’t resist asking
"Why is this wine different from all others?"


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What kind of defense is that? You’re not supposed to be driving on Ambien at all. That’s like saying “I wasn’t drunk, officer, I was nodding off on heroin!”

Communion under both species had been a thing since before I was born, and I think must of you are whippersnappers!

nothing they did prepared me for convenience store style salvation.

The wonders of de-regulation!

The New York Post story isn’t very well written; you have to go to the Philadelphia Inquirer story they link to, to find out that she says she did go to bed, and then sleep-drove to New Jersey. But booze plus Ambien doesn’t seem like such a hot idea. Don’t most sleep aids say “don’t drink alcohol with this”?

Ambien all by itself can lead to odd sleepwalking behaviour. People have driven around, gone to the 7-11 for Newports and a bag of marshmallows, raided the fridge, assaulted their partners, etc. all without retaining any memory of their actions. I need a sleep aid but I won’t touch Ambien.


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