President Biden jokes around with the media

Originally published at: President Biden jokes around with the media


A President able to not only take a joke, but make one at his own expense. Refreshing.


What’s this, you mean non-elderly people trip on things too? :exploding_head:


are they giving him facials, or botox, or something? if so, they need to ease up a bit. there’s no shame in a man his age showing some wrinkles. his skin can’t be THAT naturally smooth.

Room full of Biden stans, I wouldn’t jump to conclusions just yet

Have you heard the one about being complicit in thousands of civilian deaths?

What’s this, you mean “Biden stans” are generally elderly people? :exploding_head: :thinking:

Careful, there. Comments about a person’s appearance might get your post flagged and hidden.

Every US President in the history of the country has been complicit in thousands (or millions) of civilian deaths. It is a hazard of the job. Not that it shouldn’t bother us.


It does seem unnatural. I’m guessing it’s some kind of video filter/effect, because it changes as he moves around.

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“Compassion? That is unbecoming of a president.”
-fox news (probably)

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