When a reporter mocks President Biden's age, Biden mocks him right back — into silence (video)

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/30/when-a-reporter-mocks-president-bidens-age-biden-mocks-him-right-back-into-silence-video.html


That reporter has to be from NewsMax.


Get 'em, “Grandpa.”

There are worse things to be than old.


This is some chronic Trumpy agitprop that’s been circulating since ever since Biden won the election. They just keep pushing the date back.


At least it wasn’t Pete Doocy this time; nice to know the Press Corps are allowing gaggles of fools in for representation

also, anyone know why i had to try to create a ‘new topic’ to be able to see the comments instead of the link going right to them working?

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You didn’t have to try to create a new topic. There are other ways to navigate here when the link is broken, but those links are often broken. It’s allegedly a known Discourse bug.


Not to hijack the comments section here, but if you’re technical and are using a desktop, I posted a couple of workarounds for the comments issue here. Both solutions worked for this post. If you have questions, tag me in this thread and I’ll see if I can help.


As @danimagoo says, that’s not necessary. At the top of the front page, click “Menu”, then “Forums”, then look for the topic headline. Annoying, but a common bug.

You can save time by bookmarking the BBS forums, https://bbs.boingboing.net/

ETA: @dangaroo beat me to it with a couple of more sophisticated solutions.


Of course, because they can’t use the “Obama is Black” or “Clinton is a woman” so they fall back on “The veep is Black woman! My God, man, can you imagine!?!” It sucks, but for a certain demographic, it works. Of course, that demographic would never ever vote for Biden anyway, and it offends at least some of the undecided. They are assholes.


“I can’t hear you. Can you approach?”

That’s not how that works with any POTUS, junior.

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