President Biden's wit is quick enough to rip on Peter Doocy

Bunny for President!

Biden is boring. I love him for that, especially after his predecessor. And he’s been far more progressive and effective than I dared imagine.

My grandmother was sharp as a tack for 101 years, until the flu and pneumonia took her in a mercifully quick 1 week illness. She was still dancing and refinishing furniture until the end.

Biden still bikes. He overcame a speech impediment and became a successful career politician. That impediment sometimes results in him speaking slower and a touch less fluently than someone without. He is smart and savvy and a happy warrior. He has risen to the occasion, and quite frankly I am giddy at what he could accomplish in a second term.

As you said, he’s pushed the needle leftward. Let’s not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.



Presidential edition!


Also contributing is student loans are not discharged in bankruptcy. So predatory lenders face no consequences from poor underwriting practices like any other lender. Much like how predatory, easy to obtain, mortgages caused housing price inflation. Easy student loan money inflated tuition.


Beau lays it out.


True, but that is a secondary effect. The whole origin of land-grant colleges was to create a higher education and research university infrastructure with nominal tuition, accessible to anyone. (Although, at the time, “anyone” meant “white men”) It only started deviating from that when SCOTUS forced integration and the racists defunded public universities so that White students could either go to private colleges or to price public higher education out of reach for most POC.


That linked ranking is based on one of the most ridiculous rubrics I’ve ever seen.
“Luck” is one of the categories, and it gets as much weight as “leadership ability” which is also undefined. I wouldn’t put any stock in that as a valid ranking in any way.


You think perhaps Trump deserves a higher ranking than 43rd? I dunno, but possibly. He was a pretty bad president, tho.

Please don’t put words in my mouth.
I think the ranking tool is ridiculous. Period.
It’s irrelevant if it ended up ranking some former presidents where I think or don’t think they belong. As someone who works with rubrics and surveys, I consider the tool your linked article is based on completely laughable.


A nice follow up would have been to ask Doocy when he is scheduled to go to Moscow to “interview” Putin.


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Nonsense. The best part of the job is slapping around idjits like Doocy. So much more rewarding than trying to get Bibi to stop destroying Gaza or dealing with Congress.

Kelly might make a nice addition to the administration in an appointment- but who wants to lose a Senator now? Especially in Arizona?

Incorrect strategy.


Right? Does anyone think that Doocy is really getting one over on the old man? To the point that Biden would want to quit? Seems to me that a kindergartener could handle that guy…


To think this about a politician who has dedicated his entire life to public service is just so off the wall, I can’t tell if you’re serious. Of all the things Biden has faced in his career, you think Doocy would be the thing to push him over the edge and have him think, “you know what, it’s just not worth it anymore?”


Kelly would probably make for a good presidential candidate and president, in some future election! He’s capable, competent, obviously dedicated to public service, and the idea of putting an astronaut in the White House is awesome.

That said, unless Biden has a serious acute health crisis that kills him or genuinely renders him unable to run or to handle the POTUS job, he is going to run. Any suggestions to the contrary are just silly.


Eh, I’d categorize them as more “reasonable and arguably good strategically, but unrealistic” than silly. But milage may vary.

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Weighing Options Are You Sure GIF

I’m pretty sure that’s Letitia James right now, not Mark Kelly…


Kelly for VP is an appealing idea in some ways. But I just can’t see Biden betraying Harris, nor giving in to the “You’re too old!” whiners. :person_shrugging:


I’m sorry, I certainly appreciate his efforts here, but how the fuck will ANY bill for gun control get through the house? Even if Kelly were president right now, he’d still have to work with a congress that refuses to do anything like bi-partisan work.

And to ensure that doesn’t happen, they’ve bought off a political party…


Replacing a VP is usually something that’s only done in the wake of a major scandal, so if Biden bailed on Harris it wouldn’t merely be a major betrayal of a loyal ally but would also fuel nutball conspiracy theories of corruption within the administration. “This is PROOF that there’s something scandalous going on behind the scenes! If she isn’t a crook then why would he fire her?”


Does anyone remember anything she’s done that would justify replacing her?

Staying out of the headlines is the norm for a VP. Meanwhile she’s doing her job, and has cast the tie-breaking vote in the senate no fewer than 33 times.