President-elect Trump returns to Twitter to lash out at "very unfair" media

Exactly. We have until his inauguration to make give this country the greatest bout of buyer’s remorse in history.

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The most poignant changes in public opinion happened because people were made to realize a side they’d never considered before. Gay marriage went from being a crime to accepted into national law because people were exposed to that lifestyle in popular media and came to accept it as normal.

I hate to tell you but Christ is in popular media, persons of color are on television, and women are a large percent of the population and hatred still flows free. I don’t think that’s realistic to assume.

And ignores that Trump was a reaction to both a black president and gay marriage. Perhaps not directly, but many persons are sick of change.

Now we have to fight to maintain poorly implemented services instead of improving what we had.


The problem is, whether by human nature or a lack of alternatives, people are flocking to their left wing or right wing media personalities as is their preference, and their message is delivered to maximize divisiveness and hate for the opposing view.

So Trump supporters mostly believe the things they hear in the one-sided arguments delivered by their news media and the believe the worst things about those who don’t go along with their line of thinking. If they turn to left-leaning media, it’s so tuned to the opposite position and hate for the right that it sounds obnoxious to them. And the same could be said of the left wing media and their hate for the right.

So there’s no meeting of the minds, you see. There’s no neutral forum where people can have an honest discussion about what’s best for our future. It’s either one extreme or the other, winner take all politics. And that’s no way to run a democracy.

You let us know when the fucking KKK holds a rally to celebrate a victory of the left, and then we’ll talk about how both sides are filled with hate.


That’s got nothing to do with this.

This is more in line with what I’m saying:

Sometimes even the most hate-filled person can see the error of their ways when exposed to good people because they’ve never considered thinking any other way.

What does his story have to do with left-leaning media? He was converted from white supremacism through personal interaction, not the media.


Dude, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

Sorry, I just re-read your post and that’s not how it reads to me. You seem to be arguing for better media or perhaps no media.

I think that’s why Junglejammies said “I’ll reach people wherever they’re at.” He/she was talking about personally taking action to reach people rather than expecting them to get their info from the media. That’s commendable.

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I, for one, hope Trump follows the Putin model closely.

I am looking forward to seeing him shirtless on a horse.


Well, it’s just miscommunication then. I had read the entire thread, but not at one sitting. I only re-read the specific post I was replying to.

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Sick bastard!


I’m afraid you’ll have to settle for this:


I am saying the news media usually isn’t going to give people the perspective of alternate viewpoints in a fair and meaningful way, and quite often it mischaracterizes them to the point they sound horrifying and threatening because it’s great for viewership, consequences be damned.

But that’s what the media does and says. It’s not really what the people who listen to it really think; it’s what they’ve been told to think. They’ve been given one side of the argument, and they never get exposed to why someone would think another way.

It’s up to individuals to reach out to “the other side” and take out the fear and mistrust they’ve been fed because they’re not being exposed to other ways of thinking.

I really think most Americans agree on most issues, but they’ve been carefully divided and pitted against each other and fed differing solutions to their problems that won’t fix the core issues they’re concerned about.

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No sir, I didn’t like it!

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There are only so many ways to say that we are so fucked.

But man, we are so fucked.


The last few days have been full of worried people. Black people, Hispanic people, Muslim people, Jewish people, and LGBT people worried about what is going to happen to them. Women worried about their autonomy and white men worried about their friends. I’ve seen lots of tweets of suicide and depression hotlines by people really concerned that we all make it through this.

And then we have a president who campaigned on a platform of hatred against such people, and is currently appointing hate group members to his transition team. These are the two extremes you are talking about, the ones you are both faulting for not having a meeting of the minds.

I am so tired of seeing this again and again. You know, maybe some things should be divisive – when people are trying hard to hurt other people, according to their own words and actions, maybe we shouldn’t fault their victims for not wanting to stand next to them. Or I guess we can keep complaining about how the two sides don’t come together, erasing all the other people who can’t attend such a meeting.


Nah… me wanting full bodily autonomy and being worried about that is exactly the same as the KKK marching, proudly, in our streets. How dare I demand to be in full control of my body? How dare I demand equal treatment, equal pay, an end to street harassment, an end to being ignored and demeaned in a thousand tiny ways? It HURTS people to be told they hurt me… /s