Principal busted for plagiarizing another principal's reflections on the pandemic year. Twice.

Originally published at: Principal busted for plagiarizing another principal's reflections on the pandemic year. Twice. | Boing Boing


These goof balls are teaching children. Read that again…


Problem is, we’ve got at least two generations of people in positions of power who have proven that they are willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want. Those are the folks who learn nothing and know nothing, except how to manipulate the systems around them. They don’t care about merit and hard work. That’s just something they tell “others” and expect them to toe that line.

If they get caught, they expect to be excused so they can continue to fail upwards. Those with privilege get away with it, and the behavior is repeated. As we saw in the college entrance criminal cases, they are doing the same for their kids - while teaching them the same twisted version of “family values.” It’s a toxic blend of mediocracy and mendacity, through and through.


Sounds like it’s time for Washington Technology Magnet School to get unprincipled; since its principal already is…


it did not seem like her usual writing which is typically of poor academic quality.

…and it’s a plagiarist. Fire it, since it’s obviously unqualified to be a principal!

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