On the bus now, going home from the rally in downtown Seattle. A few thousand people were there, I’d guess.
There was even a protest in Arkansas https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp8AfYNA1R8/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=jz7knv948iw0
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More over they seem pretty assured that even if a huge chunk of the nation fucking hates this. That their followers who don’t are enough to keep control.
I still think there’s cause for protests and shows of force/numbers. At a certain level triggering the largest protest is American history has to have them thinking something. At a certain point it should be “oh no”.
Well he’s conveniently involved all those state level officials directly in his circle. I’m sure they already have all the information pertinent to their jurisdiction. Hes already been passing cases outside his office and the investigation. This thing is already larger and more distributed than just Mueller.
He’s been doing an awful lot of indicting, convicting, and flipping people if that’s his goal.
This seems to be the primary mantra of modernity… I’m not sure it’s enough any more.
That maybe used to be the case, but between Xmas and NYE, everyone’s now sitting around their house on FaceTwitInstaSnap.
Cyber Monday?
It’s always been my impression that one of the other factors was that establishment Republicans wanted the probe as leverage over Trump in case he went out of control or became unpopular with his base and they needed an emergency exit.
Really hope there are blue organizers out there registering people to vote…
FiL went to a ‘Protect Mueller’ rally in Princeton, NJ. We saw a rally with about 200 people in Maui. Hopefully each of the protesters will convince a couple other people to vote…
Like the steady drip of water that leads to the Grand Canyon.
This is exactly my thinking. I’m not generally expecting everyone to do what I think is right or what I want, but the bare fucking minimum in legality and ethics would be enough to clean house completely for the GOP. I don’t have to like Mueller to think what he is doing is vitally important for the country.
Now if only we can lose the Twitter portion of the broadcast we might begin to get some better quality programming.
I’m sorry, he may be unqualified, but he did win the electoral college. Might not have been fair, but that’s the entire point of the Mueller investigation.
Well we just had the highest mid term turn out in 50 years and things went pretty well for the DNC. So I’d say they were. Though I didn’t see much locally (we got Trumpists pretty much top to bottom for anything tied directly to the district). If they’re smart they’ll push that hard for the next two years.
Immediately after a terrorist attack by a brown person, which will send the entire media and internet into a frenzy. Mueller being fired/arrested whatever will be a tiny page 9 article at best.
Terrorist attacks by white persons seem to be all the rage these days, but they don’t count as far as stoking national terror and suspending the legal system goes. It has to be a brown person that fits the US notion of ‘enemy’.
Looks like Trump is well on the the way to becoming a dictator. Needs to be stopped but if he keeps firing the judiciary he doesn’t like and replacing them with toadying cronies, how is this to be achieved?
It’s hard to pretend people on the streets are expressing the will of the people when so many people vote for Trump and Trumpites at the ballot box. I mean what Trump is doing, even if it’s to their detriment, seems to actually be the will of a lot of the people.
Trump has the support of around a third of the country. The majority opposes.