I’m reminded of this:
Relevant bit, first five minutes.
Relevant quote:
“I cannot forma coherent worldview out of the things you say.”
There is a side fighting a culture war, and it cares not who it radicalizes to later discard.
This is not an isolated incident.
Facism is as facism does.
From a short interview with Historian Peter Fritzsche about the book “Between two homelands, letters across the borders of Nazi Germany” which gathers the correspondence of a single family before and after WWII.
To what extent do you believe Germans were seduced by Hitler and the Nazis? Or did they make more of a conscious choice?
Germans after World War I were highly politicized. That is why we think of the Weimar Republic as a time of political turbulence and unrest. The active descriptions of politics before 1933, the year Hitler came to power, undermine notions of seduction or brainwashing in the years after. It is not possible to explain the demise of all sorts of political institutions before Hitler in one way, and to explain the power of the Nazis after that in another way.
Germans constantly deliberated questions of race, authority and loyalty. Only a minority became full-fledged Nazis, but most accepted the basic premises of the regime, including the isolation of German Jews. While most Germans had at least a vague idea of the Holocaust, they almost certainly did not endorse mass murder, which is not to say they were not complicit in the persecution of their neighbors along the way to the “final solution.”
I do not accept that these people are Armenian based on you saying their names are Armenian, but granting that is true, are these people Armenian and not American because they are homophobic?
(It’s not just the name is it, please tell me it’s not JUST the name) Because the violence, conflict, target and rhetoric we are seeing here is very much a part of the playbook of American bigots.
That it is repeated by people from different demographics is more, not less proof of a concerted effort by organized hate groups to drive wedges against those who would be allies.
To say that their intolerance is unrelated to other groups exact same intolerance is just a way to scapegoat and dog whistle at the same time.
Making it clear about who I was referring to.