Pulled over for running a stop sign results in multiple police-ordered anal probes

It’s absolutely worth reading the PDF of the suit. They focused on his ass due to another cop lying about him having a reputation for stashing things up there.

Also he’d been pulled over for a cracked window a month before (same department, different cops) and had his car seized and sniffed AFTER being told he was free to go. No wonder his ass was clenched for the second stop. On top of that, for BOTH stops the drug dog alerted falsely.

Seriously, read the suit, he’s going to get millions for this. Sadly, the department will probably step up their civil asset forfeitures to cover the money they’ll lose.


Why is is a good thing you are not a policeman? You’d fit right in.


Was he denied access to counsel? Because I would have been screaming for a lawyer the whole time.
I can’t believe they want to bill him for the medical “services” that were requested by the police.

The doctor (probably) said to the nurse,“That cop follows me home every night. Do you think I am going to say no?”

Yeah, it’s called “I smelled marijuana.”

Man - if cops everywhere start doing this for free, I’m going to have to find a new line of work.

What film is this from? I can’t recall : /

[quote=“milliefink, post:52, topic:13507”]
I.e., the distribution of every story like this one subtly (?) reinforces the fundamentally elitist, Koch-bro-funded notion that government is bad, and “free enterprise” is gooooooooood.[/quote]

Not really sure how a story about the violation of civil rights sends a message about “free enterprise” (is the original, local news station also somehow guilty of spreading this “notion?”). Are you suggesting that stories like this shouldn’t be told? They shouldn’t be shared? Or are you saying that it’s wrong to share stories from sources that have different opinions than you do about the proper role of government in society?

Your scope is too limited. It’s time to issue a travel warning for the US.


Never mind the lawsuit, this is multiple counts of rape.


In other counties I’ve lived, police are way more like meter maids, and seem to spend most time responding to incidents and accidents. Here they’re thuggish, which is what’s needed to carry out their true function: prevent consequences of poor domestic policy from boiling over. It’s why our corporate oligarchs fight for small government yet love massive police presence, and a medieval penal system. K, i’m done.


Kudos to the doctor at the first hospital who refused to do the brutalization of this poor guy. Boo to whoever wrote the article for using quotes around a single word of the doctor’s reason. It was “unethical”. Bad use of quotation marks.


Aside from what needs to happen to the cops, any medical practitioners who agreed to perform invasive, slightly risky (neither anesthesia nor radiation are things you do unless there’s an upside), and wholly involuntary, procedures like this should lose the ability to practice ever again, in addition to the exciting malpractice suit.


Some guy was smuggling crack in the crack, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.

I was thinking of a slogan: “Don’t want to get f’ed in the a’? Don’t travel to New Mexi-kay!”

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And they will. Between a pattern of the cops stopping him, and massive technical violations of the warrant (search continued after warrant expired, and medical procedures were forced on him without consent, and outside the county the warrant was valid in. . . .

He’s going to win his lawsuit, and, you’re going to have to pardon the pun, take home a BUTTLOAD of money. . . .


Now you can see why they’re called “The Land Of Enchantment”.

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Do you want a food related joke or a colon cancer joke?

Anyway, Grimloki, at this point we boingers are probably already on some kind of list or at least just being affiliated with leftist places like this will look very bad when/if we do end up getting examined for other reasons.

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What about us right-wingers here ? This place tends libertarian as much as it does leftist. . . .

One of these days, people are going to figure out that as far as politicians go, there is but ONE party, the “Keep us in power and the perks flowing” party.

And I figure that if you’re NOT on a list, you’re just another effectively mindless, economic consumption unit, and if so, what the hell are you doing HERE citizen ??? Isn’t there some “reality” show or mindless “talent contest” you should be watching ???

This message has been brought to you by your Benevolent Masters. Trust the Government ! The Government is your Friend !!!

(expect smoking boots any time now. . . )