Pulled over for running a stop sign results in multiple police-ordered anal probes

As if I needed anything else to worry about with a routine traffic stop.



Fire 85% of all police.
Fire the entire DEA.
End the war on drug and provide completely amnesty for all drug convictions.
Begin layoff for corrections officers.
Create a program to reintegrate former victims (inmates) of the war on drug.

I don’t just want to end the war on drug, I want to atomize everyone involved.


In other words, prior contempt of cop, confirmed by the trained dog. Unfortunately, contempt of cop, and lawsuits against the cops, can be a capital offense in this country.



“Fuck this guy in the ass next chance you get.”

I, too, wondered if they’d pursue an invasive surgery after their, what, 6 previous misses?** The gross violation of this man is soul-shaking and enraging. On a less profound note, the financial burdens he’ll face for these procedures (including the therapy he’ll need to deal with the PTSD stemming from his rape), will make the quality of his life miserable for years to come.

** What makes the repetition of violation so much worse is that it’s plain that Officer Bubba McTorturedumb kept ordering successive clinical rapes simply because he didn’t want to look “dumb/wrong/bad.”


Any one else read “New Mexico” and “multiple anal probes” and immediately think

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It’s a good thing I’m not a policeman, because when I see those YouTube selfie-videos of people baiting border police with the “Am I being detained?” “Am I free to go?” spiel, in instances where two minutes of cooperation is all that’s really being sought, I suspect I’d find that rude too.

I hope I wouldn’t need to opt for the eight-anal-probe response though.

It is so inconsiderate of citizens to stand on their rights, when a few minutes of cooperation with a “voluntary” search would be so much easier for all concerned. And, as we all know, insisting on your rights constitutes “baiting” a police officer, so don’t go crying about any extrajudicial punishment you may receive for it.

♫ I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free ♫


I have a congenital heart condition. When I wanted to have voluntary surgery to remove a large cyst on my neck, I had to have two cardiologists sign off on the surgery before they’d agree to put me under. Now I know it’s much faster to just clench my butt.

Haven’t you heard? It’s everywhere!!! The NANNY STATE, that is! I know, cuz reason.com told me so.

I.e., the distribution of every story like this one subtly (?) reinforces the fundamentally elitist, Koch-bro-funded notion that government is bad, and “free enterprise” is gooooooooood.

Which reminds me, I wonder if Reason Magazine ever repudiated their promotion in the 1960s of Holocaust denialism? At any rate, they sure are getting more clever over there in John Galtistan.


Fuck, you’d be dead in a New York minute.

Ya’ll are missing the point.

The po-lice wanted to show him what “STOP” means!

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This called for an autopsy.


We can postulate that due to the Quantity Theory of Insanity, on the same day, some guy was smuggling crack in the crack, and all he got was a parking ticket.


Those aren’t doctor bills. they’re Information Retrieval Charges. Just ask Mr Helpmann!


Is there no medical certification board that can strip these (and the CIA doctors) ability to practice legally? It seems odd that they can flagrantly break their hippocratic oaths and get away with it.

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The guy didn’t consent to a search?

Christ, what an asshole.

I’d expect the hospital to sue the police department too, for bringing someone to them on the pretext of an invalid warrant and then demanding the search, to establish that the hospital was duped into collaboration. I mean I could see a reasonable doctor going along with what the police are saying, if the police coerced or duped the hospital then I don’t the the doctors automatically need to get disbarred.

I don’t know. I had a friend who came to visit me in Japan, and got given the third degree by Japanese customs for looking like a freak and coming there from India, and even that notoriously hard-assed organization let him go after grilling him for a few hours and x-raying him. This suggests to me that an x-ray is sufficient to sniff out a mule, and any doctor who went along with the rest should have his license revoked for either violating his oath or for incompetence.

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