Qanon surf instructor said he killed his children because they had "serpent DNA"

I wonder sometimes if this is exactly why in fact. Like people are metabolizing the horror of the catholic church and trying to make up a reality where people they already hate are to blame for that horror, to deflect, to muddy the narrative, avoid having to admit something unpleasant, not that differently than with the lies about CRT, climate change, etc. Heh… that sounds conspiratorial! But I do think that people aren’t that creative really. When they invent a narrative they usually cobble it together from their social and cultural environment.


Unfortunately, psychiatry has a pretty gory history of deeming anything that violates the mores of the time as “mental illness,” including being gay, being an opinionated woman, being a socialist, being a populist, etc, etc, etc. Falling down a Qnut rabbithole is not a mental illness, but better described a social illness. And that is a whole different story.


Did any of the anti-papist literary tropes of the 19th century turn out to be remotely true?

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