QAPLA': General Star Trek thread... for all your Trekin' needs

I liked this one a lot more than the first three.


Star Trek: Sentientities?

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The first three were pretty bad and kinda lazy humorwise. This one is at least creative.


My dad, who was an engineer and an expert in statistics, was really bothered by the Q episode where Picard takes the path where he doesn’t get stabbed in a bar, leads him to a wasted life of being: an expert in statistics. He really liked TNG, and felt personally attacked.

I doubt Paramount would green light a show just to make my dad feel better, but we would watch it.


Maybe, but that seems a mouthful!


In retrospect, it would be nicknamed Star Trek: Titties, so maybe that’s not a direction they should boldly go in.

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Yeah, if our goal is to help the humanities by reminding people they matter via the old Star Trek treatment, then calling them titties would not help in that regard, no! :laughing:

The search for a workable title continues!


It’s the anniversary for TNG premiering!


That was fun. That particular gag has been done before (usually as a dream within a dream within a dream), but I like using the Enterprise finale as a starting point. That helped it feel like this one was made for Trek fans despite the overall broad humor. The others feel too broad and don’t necessarily need to be Star Trek.

I can’t help but laugh at the sophomoric humor of the blooper short, though.


They’re being made by Caspar Kelly, who made Too Many Cooks and the new one obviously reminded me of that. But the first three felt more like broad parodies of Trek like you’d get on any sketch comedy show as opposed to comedy in the spirit of Star Trek like Lower Decks does so well - and it’s very telling that the new one was written by one of Prodigy’s writers.

The only other one with a writer listed on YouTube is Holiday Party, and it is indeed written by someone who worked on SNL…


Ok, this explains so much.


TW, as he discusses his childhood and abuse…


Your next post have a good name Humanoid Story. Humanoid Sciences? Bureau of Humanoid Affairs? Associated Humanoids?


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Still seems a little earth-centric? :thinking:


Well, that is the problem with the show. They tried to address this issue. But it still have a human perspective and sometimes an American one. OK, this is an American show, with a not very big budget and that influenced the episodes. It had to appeal to the original audience and financial constraints meant that the aliens were mostly actors with some basic makeup. Look, I’m an alien with a funny forehead or nose.

As the vast majority of the species showcased in the show are humanoids, maybe We can scour the show’s extensive material and find some institute that studies relationships between species, like the Daystrom Institute.

Oh, they put a lot of energy creating tech institutes.




They do! Which is why I wonder about the rest of human knowledge in our Federation future… Now, there was the school that Jake Sisko attended/wanted to attend for writing… the Pennington School…

So what role does and can Starfleet play in promoting other kinds of knowledge among its ranks and in society at large, both on earth and in the rest of the federation…

The context of the focus on the sciences and engineering makes a lot of sense, given the liberal consensus and Cold War context of the original show. Lots of people felt the need to promote the sciences, in order to get kids excited about scientific fields and drive people into those fields… The humanities aspect, I feel, is sort of backed in - like, people are obviously aware of their history, are well-read, have some philosophical grounding, etc, but it just seems like it just is part of the landscape, rather than there being any examination of how that knowledge gets replicated. And with regards to bringing in new planets, how does that knowledge production happen…

Again, not sure if this makes sense, or if I’m just rambling now!


Rambling is funny!

One thing I find funny about the show is the Science Officer figure. This person dominates all scientific fields. Physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology and even engineering. A typical science officer can create a theory to explain a phenomenon, a way to nullify its effects, and equipment capable of reversing all the damage from that phenomenon.


I think show producers shouldn’t think that people who master the human sciences can be cinematographically interesting like the technobabble people.

Indiana Jones is there to disprove these people.


It helps when you’ve actually lived about 7 lifetimes, even if you look like you’re in your mid-20s…


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