QAPLA': General Star Trek thread... for all your Trekin' needs

Seven in Picard just makes me happy. Delighted for Jeri Ryan.


Pretty neat, but what’s with the top picture? Nice space pic, but no spaceship?


She was amazing there. Loved her and Raffi too. I hope she gets the new show they’re talking about.


Must be cloaked when you are looking.


Greetings fellow trek model maker :wink:

I haven’t had a lot of time recently (young kids) so several projects are on pause. But here are some of my recent projects to add:


:100: i really think they were the best part of season 2 picard. and i really wish raffi had been treated better ( by the writers ) in season 3.

( your doctored implants look great btw! )


Wait, did the Klingons always have an off-brand Punisher logo on their rear bumpers or is that new?

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Here are couple more the SNW enterprise is not quite finished.


It was there but I put it on upside down :wink:

I only realized once I had glued it on really well and weathered over the seam… So punisher mask rear torpedo tube it is.


Honestly, if any race in the Star Trek universe is going to identify with a violent comic book character whose whole identity is based on vengeance then it’s definitely the Klingons.


What are you using for the stars in your photos? Is it still in front of a black.sheet?

Also the discoprise / snw enterprise was such a nice kit to work with. Some of the old AMT kits are such a pain. I have an Ent D and the big defiant in progress, but sooo much putty :wink:


All my models are super low budget. The photos were taken with a phone camera with the models placed in front of a black dressing gown, the stars are literally drawn by hand in the phones photo editor. Lighting is achieved internally with white battery powered Xmas lights, with some minimal resoldering to make everything fit. Colour effects are either coloured plastic sheeting or two part epoxy dyed with food colouring. I light the scenes with magnetic lamps balanced on a sword just off camera. I loved the snw enterprise it was great, as were the Revell tos kits however the revel voyager I’m currently building takes a more impressionistic approach to mould quality. Edit: spelling/grammar


The lighting worked out really well. I also light all my ships and appreciate how laborious it is… (Why does the Ent D have 3,000 windows :wink: ) .

I need to find a good black sheet it really adds a nice dimension to the images.

The new Voyager kit is quite pleasant to build btw.


How did you do your windows? I went as far as making my own file to make the elongated shape but in the end I gave up, filled every window with putty and redrilled them as simple circles, I also reduced the number of windows somewhat while I was at it. I just couldn’t get those long windows to look right on the voyager kit. I can recommend a black fake fur for a backdrop, if you drape it loosely and make sure it’s out of focus it works great.


For windows I use a couple things,

A pin vise and a small drill bit to remove the bulk of the material. (Handheld pin vise, or a rotary tool if you are carefull not to melt the plastic).

Then to clean up an xacto blade to clean edges and sharp corners Depending on the window I may use abrasive cord, a flex i file sanding frame, needle files, or a small end mill on a rotary tool.

The pin vise and xacto is the slowest but also lowest risk option.

For voyager with the larger windows with dividers comsider carving out the larger area and adding the dividers back with styrene strips as its really hard to leave a small strip of kit plastic behind.

The you can fill the holes with clear resin or make white glue windows (easiest) to help the lighting look more natural.


Thanks for the advice, I’ll try that out on my next model, my voyager will for the moment stick with round windows, they probably got replaced somewhere in the delta quadrant by neelix’s mate on the cheap…


all you model nerds here I must applaud. No matter what I tried in the past all my models ended up looking like the Enterprise over Genesis.

even one time my Dad walked by and said ‘My god son… what have you done? That is not a fighting chance to live’


I love that Wil’s post links to (among other places) the Unicorn Pegasus Kitten picture explanation which itself links to The Velvet Wesley story.


If you happen to use Facebook…

The “Star Trek Modelers Group” is super supportive and full of creative people and non canon designs. Annoying critics are typically swiftly banned as it is a Private Group. That and a few other hobby groups are the only thing I use Facebook for now.