I came here to say the same thing.
fucking scary.
I came here to say the same thing.
fucking scary.
And here I thought part of the joy of the corona beard was realizing that aesthetic grooming doesn’t really matter at all. Fuzz on you crazy diamonds.
I’ve looked like a caveman before coronavirus made it mainstream. The hipster in me thinks maybe I should get a tailored suit and a power tie and start wearing it at home even if I’m not on video conference. I’ll secretly know that I’m ahead of all of you on the trends.
I guess I need a different excuse for the 2 decades prior to C-19.
Or aimed at modern day Peaky Blinders
The best part of Corona Beard is that it hides your mascne.
The whole post is idiotic and venal, but this gizmo in particular is terrifying. It looks like it was designed by somebody who doesn’t know how razors work. Only somebody who doesn’t know how razors work would buy one, and then… two seconds until he slices his nape to ribbons by sawing back and forth.
Shouldn’t you be depilating your chest or perfecting your man-bun?
You gave me the urge to comment “Cyberyuppie Skymall” on half the posts on Boing. The endless pushing of random crap here is annoying, and getting worse. I do wonder if the folks in charge even have any idea of what consumerist garbage will appear the little ads pretending to be posts (Gadgets! Useful Stuff!), or how the junk is selected for this market.
Hey now, gotta look your best for the… absolutely nobody who hasn’t already seen you look disgusting.
Even though my hygiene is the same if not slightly better, I don’t wear clothes anymore. Unless I have a Zoom, in which case I put on a nice-ish shirt.
The Ultimate Neckline Grooming Set is one of the most crapgadgety crapgadgets I’ve seen here for a long while. Three blades on a strap with handles at the end that you drag across a contoured part of your body, you cannot actually see. What could go wrong?
And it looks like it’s harder to use and control than a single razor!
For the longest time, I thought he was singing, “I’m a bad messiah, but I can’t help but love you so.” I still think that’s a superior lyric.
For those pesky, hard-to-reach spots.
This is a prop from the next Bond movie, isn’t it?
But unfortunately, the Corona beard also helps you get Corona because it destroys the ability of a respirator to seal properly.
It may not be a big deal for source control masks, but all masks benefit from having a better seal. And as for PPE, all tight fitting face piece respirators require smooth skin to work properly, and that includes both disposables and reusable elastomeric respirators.