Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/08/07/quarantine-is-no-excuse-to-loo.html
Quarantine is no excuse to look like a caveman
yes. yes, it absolutly is.
This really feels like the sort of shame-based consumerism that Boing Boing would have been complaining about 20 years ago. The transformation into Cyberyuppie Skymall is complete.
Came here to say exactly this. Very happy to see the first post concurs.
A product endorsement post aimed exclusively to men.
How… enlightened.
I looked like a caveman well before the lockdown, and still look like one after it was lifted. The real challenge was not putting up weight, something I managed to keep only until the first month was over, then…
That doodad to shave the back of your neck seems like it could be some kind of torture device.
Caveman shaming? Not cool.
I guess it’s marginally better than trying to shame women into buying unnecessary personal hygiene merch?
Getting a little tired of the strip mall immersion experience.
I have a hard time getting the vertical stripes of hair left behind after using it straight.
As someone who normally works at a place with somewhat restrictive rules about facial hair I absolutely jumped at the chance to go feral while on furlough. Didn’t take long for my beard to approach Grizzly Adams level.
Jerry is that you??
I’m a man, and I’m quarantining in my cave, so technically I look like a caveman no matter how I’m groomed, right?
Be careful what you wish for.
But exclusively men? Wouldn’t anyone like to smell like a fresh blue lavender troglodyte troglodette? And that neck groomer should do a great job on legs. Adopt, adapt, improve.
The Cut Buddy comes with a Cure CD.
So there’s that.
The perfect one, really. Ooga booga
Lavender is so 1920.
That band-o-razor-blades looks like something from a fairly crap early-90’s horror movie. It should immediately be retired to a camp fire.
BCE, I assume you mean.
These products are silly. I have a cheapo safety razor, a pair of hair scissors, a hand mirror and a cheapo set of hair clippers. That’s all you need, not some crazy mach-5 Kerberos.