Queen dead at 96

I remember how Trump threw a fit demanding to ride in the golden carriage and how (as far as I can remember) he never got that.


It was.

The Queen was the one to suggest to Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Abdullah that they take a spin around the Balmoral grounds when he visited the Scottish estate in 1998.

The prince was up for it. As instructed, he claimed the front passenger seat of the royal Land Rover. Then the monarch climbed up beside him and took off.

Given he ruled a country where it was illegal for women to drive, the prince was shocked and nervous. As the Queen fanged it along narrow roads, talking all the while, her visitor implored her to slow down and concentrate, according to Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, then British ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

Prince Abdullah chose the wrong woman to lecture.

In her history-busting reign, the Queen never needed to be told what to do or to watch out for on the road ahead.

She was the safest pair of hands to have on the wheel, forever in the driver’s seat as a feminist icon who quietly disregarded established conventions around what women should be and do.

After a reign lasting 70 years, Queen Elizabeth II has passed away at age 96.

A devotee of the significant detail, from the choice of brooch to the choice of words (“recollections may vary”), she knew the political and social message she was sending to the Saudi royal: buckle up, sunshine! Anything you can do, I can do better. We can do better!


Which? The inbred dogs or the inbred royals?

It will be Chas.

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Trump and gold, man. :grimacing:

The coup de grace may be Barack and Michelle being invited on the sly to the funeral.


Not the case…

(And @catsidhe @smulder )


There is the small matter of Royal Consent, which gives quite a lot of power on certain topics… (but not for the actions suggested)

Could someone draw this to the attention of any fuckwits left in Cabinet still fuckwitted enough to think Mad Nad’s C4 privatisation would protect it from streamers? Did Netflix cover this momentous national event for UK subscribers? I thought not.


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