Racist anti-mask Trump supporter on camera at bakery

Pretty sure that’s where we already are…

Also, she really pulled out the “I’m not racist, I F black guys…” card?
And the guy who shot up a bunch of massage parlors wasn’t racist either because he was tempted by sex with Asian women… Can we just put all these a-holes in a deep deep hole, and hand everyone else shovels yet?


Yeah, way back in college, when I was an RA, we were taught that technique. You don’t have to literally repeat the same command over and over, but you vary it up just enough to sound vaguely conversational. I’ve never had to use it to deal with a serious situation, but I have used it to talk angry drunks down.

“You don’t want to fight, right? You want to come sit down over here where it’s quieter. Because you don’t want to fight. You don’t want to fight. We’re having fun. Come on, let’s sit down. I know you don’t want to fight, cause you want to sit here where it’s quieter.”

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I’m curious why you felt the need to comment on this hideous woman’s hair, “worse than someone with a dated haircut.” Don’t her actions speak loudly enough on their own?

“I have elderly people who come in here. I can’t risk their health.” Saying that might make it less a direct challenge of your will vs. their will. If they’ve shreds of empathy, maybe it might jumpstart it. Failing that, use staples.


It can be very situational, depending on the presumed threat level from the unmasked, and the safety or presumed potential intimidation level from the employee, and your own comfort/safety. Employees enforcing the safety rules can use all the help they can get, so if you’re able to support them, either by addressing the person directly, or supporting /thanking the employee verbally, certainly do so.

So relieved to hear that Covid was just a world-wide hoax to stop Trump from be re-elected. Can we please end it now I think everybody’s been thoroughly fooled!

My freshman year RA was a 6-foot-something red-haired hammer thrower.

His M.O. was to loom over some drunk and quietly ask, “Now, before I write you up, please explain to me why you aren’t an asshole?”

Perhaps we could use a few more of him…


Nothing good is going to come from you taking it up with the other person directly. You aren’t in a position of authority. Bring it to the attention of the store and then, by all means, offer to observe and support.

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I’ve taught self-defense, de-escelation and martial arts for a number of years. I have dark bushy eye brows and a stern look and I’m not afraid to use either. I’ve written professionally on pulmonary fibrosis, so typically know more than they do about risk benefit of masking. I’m normally mild and softspoken, but effectively channel Michael Dorn’s voice of Worf when I want people to listen to me. There are certainly employees who need no assistance from me or anyone else, there are also employees that are smaller, more mild manner than myself who are exhausted, overworked and underpaid, It’s a lot to ask them to also be public health enforcers. They can theoretically lose their job if something goes wrong, or even if everything goes right, but an obnoxious customer later misrepresents the situation to management. If there’s well regimented effective security and such that can back them up, great. As noted, it’s highly situational, and if you’re of use helping them, great, if you really feel it’s not right for you to intervene, great. Remember, we only see the worst of these people on youtube, there’s likely thousands with same initial presentation who are far more reasonable and who can be joked/cajoled/smiled/guilted into wearing a mask without it be a major deal. I’m not going to go into a biker bar and demand they all wear masks and have purel bottles on the pool tables, nor am I going to a maga ralley and demanding they stop being dicks. But expecting peace to be maintained by the legion of baristas/restaurant workers/grocery cashier seems like we’re asking a lot of people who never signed up to be mask cops.


Close the shop.

Evacuate all other customers.

Call Security.

Escort the offender out of the store.

Record the rants and insults from the other customers as the offender exits.

Provide free bits to folks who were impacted.

use social media to draw more like minded folks into your business.

For future reference, outside links are hunky-dory.

Why on earth would people in cities be liberal?

Seems to be the common opinion amongst conservatives.

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It’s a stereotype, to be sure, but it is also true that people who live in cities have to learn how to live their lives surrounded by others who may not look or act anything like them. Over time, you start to realize that people might be different, but what really matters is whether or not they’re good neighbors (figuratively and literally).


How is “Trump supporter” still a thing?

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It looks like she’s an “author” too! Amazon.com: Stephanie Denaro: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle

Folks whose main hobby is “being an asshole” really look up to Trump for mainstreaming the “be an asshole” lifestyle. He’ll always be the King of the Chuds.


Ho-ly shit. She even went there with the neck roll. It’s extremely subtle, but it’s there. What an asshole.

rupauls drag race no GIF by Robert E Blackmon


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