Racist lady removed from Starbucks

Well, that would annoy about anyone. Kpop is a most terrible export from an otherwise lovely place.

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So you are not this guy? Too bad. Anyway, welcome to BBS, Steven, and sorry about the usual snarking on newcomers.


Here’s an intriguing, though brief, overview of some similar problems with Brits. I think it overlooks two big exacerbating factors in both U.S. and British contexts: colonialism and racism.


Once your talking about “good Koreans” and “bad koreans” you’re pretty deep into racist uncle territory.

How long has it been. Since you visited the US? Since you seem to think us restaurants are quiet places for contemplation and conversation where they don’t blare music?

Have you forgotten that Americans are considered, The world over, both loud and rude? (often with good reason.

Loud or rude people and bigots exist everywhere. And one nation having an issue with racism does not excuse another nation also having an issue with racism or mean that a member of a particular ethnic group can not or should not complain about experiencing it.

And having an Asian friend (or wife in this case) does not mean that magically there is no bias, conscious or unconscious, to your take on the subject. Try this: take your previous comments. Replace “koreans” with “black people”. And mentions of your wife with “black friend”. Read them back to yourself. Perhaps after a few days.

Then think very, very hard about how similar it sounds to standard American bigotry and dog whistle.


By the same logic, shouldn’t Americans not complain about racism in South Korea until they clean up their own act? How about no one complain about racism anywhere until everyone can clean up their own act? That sounds a lot like just never talking about the problem.

But “cleaning up their own act” is exactly what this story is about. This is a story about Americans telling other Americans not to be racist. This isn’t about a South Korean women asking for special treatment.


Logging town. So there’s all kinds of stuff going on when you hear the word “hippies.” Jobs were largely destroyed after the logging companies were bought out with leveraged junk bonds and clearcutting massively increased to pay them off. Urban hippies (in the perception of the logging community) mounted a sophisticated campaign to end it. This conflict was leveraged by the logging interests to drive/maintain a wedge between their employees and the environmentalists. There’s also the invasion of marijuana farmers on public lands which may cut both ways, but they may blame the hippies for creating the demand.

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I imagine she was initially set off by this year’s holiday cup.

Edit: I always think of these things after incidents like this. I might have told her, “Language is a virus.”




Honestly, I figured an email* had fired her up.

*(the kind that I receive from older relatives; YMMV)


Let Snopes do the heavy lifting. :slight_smile:


Right Korea has its issues with that. But they can’t hold a candle to the Japanese (as far as Asia goes). And other countries issue travel advisories about the US and our racism problems.


“Racist lady” possesses an amazing sense of entitlement, considering she probably spends her time railing against earned benefits as “entitlements” whenever the subject may arise.

“Racist lady” objected to the speaking of a non-English language, not to the manner or volume of delivery


Your whataboutism is telling


Hey, Rest of the World, all Americans are NOT like this stupid cow.

I wonder if she would been freaking out of some pasty white dudes were speaking French or German or Polish. :slight_smile:


You mean people who don’t register for her as “Orientals”? Yeah, i doubt it.




And not just to look at, either!

Yes I understand now Sven! Thank you so much. Well I’ve exceeded my post limit for blogs that have the word “boing” in their url. Congrats on the vocabulary toilet paper.