Racist maskless woman causes pilot to intervene, gets kicked off "because I'm white"

She’ll be arguing that she’s not actually racist in 3, 2, 1…

The kind of person who frequently behaves badly but has never had to face the consequences of their behavior before…




It doesn’t have to be orchestrated. It can definitely be a stand alone complex where multiple independent actors unintentionally coordinate the same behavior. They’ve all been culturally primed to do stuff like this because they have been swimming in privilege and are either encountering challenges to their privilege for the first time, or else they’ve already become habituated to throwing a fit to get their way, which would make these airplane Karens the same as the grocery story and restaurant Karens.




It’s selective blindness. Common in those who wear their masks far too high.


Here in New Zealand we have had an Aussie covid denier who finagled herself into quarantine, then refused the required nasal swabs - purely so she could get press for her ‘cause’


The video started too late. What was the actual problem? She was wearing a mask.

She keeps taking it off to SHOUT at people… in the middle of a pandemic


Half a million people are dead. Can we stop coddling assholes?


Yep, they are most likely Lone Wolf Assholes.

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This smells like a stunt. She’ll have it posted all over social media about how SJWs and cancel culture are ruining the world by oppressing their superiors.

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It’s still putting others in direct danger and making something that should not be political (mask wearing during a pandemic) into a political issue. They are killing people by refusing to wear a mask around others in an enclosed space. Their “goal” whatever the fuck it is, is irrelevant.

Again, can we stop coddling these people or dismissing them or making excuses for how this isn’t a real problem? They are KILLING other people by their actions. Half a million Americans are now dead because of people like this.


IMHO, the #1 most deadly thing the Trump administration did was to immediately politicize COVID19. If they had kept calm and let the experts speak we would be in much better shape today, but if you’ve been fighting against doing exactly that for your entire political career you can’t just make a 180 simply because the consequences will be obvious and short term. They were locked into killing half a million people because otherwise climate change might be real, and that would be bad for a few billionaires.


Hey, Karen:


I think it likely started with her being told to wear a mask. Then the video picked up after she reluctantly put the mask on and then pulled it down to yell and complain about having to wear it.

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Guy leaving the lavatory at the end: “Is she gone?!”


Yeah that’s the time you most have to keep it up, unless you happen to be having a coughing fit, which would be the most up-mask time. Sure its hard for people to understand when you have a mask on, but once you figure in the squealing at the top of your lungs, it’s all good.

I’m of the mind that it’s not necessarily an either-or situation, as well. Similar to my thoughts on QAnon.

Pretty easy to encourage “random” bad thinking and even offline behavior, online. We know it’s being done. I know if I was a Russian intelligence agent, this is exactly the sort of horse shit I’d try to encourage among malleable members of my target population. You have to assume foreign agents are aaallllll ooooveeerrr the “Trump web.” I mean, we know this to be true.

This must be turned into a meme or a t-shirt.

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Why yes, yes, like that. Plus the interwebs plus social networking plus hyped-up algorithms, A/B testing, software automation… :confused:

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