Rand Paul flees mid-burger just before Steve King insults immigration activist

If you look to Rand’s left, you will notice he got called away by a middle aged guy. You sure enjoy believing your own lies don’t you? His story pans out. How rude to interrupt people who are eating any way.

Bigots are notoriously full of hot air. Ok, most of them. It’s worth the risk. Especially when there is nothing to gain other than a silenced bigot.

I believe Falcor is still licking his wounds because Beschizza told him he’s not a dragon. In any case I doubt he even gets a notification for use of that word, if he did the dude would never sleep! Well… more than his standard 8 hours a year.

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If anybody does have a better explanation, I would love to hear it.

If you are actually open to hearing something in the news like that, I recommend this 14 point synopsis with dozens of citations. A few of those are about conditions in the refugee’s home countries.

(oh, i should read the whole comments. @brian_carnell linked this same piece above)

What does this even mean?


You could, but that would be changing the topic. I also seriously doubt whether Rand Paul’s state surveillance position would be as strong if he were president. When you become POUTS you find out about things. Those things could change anyone’s position, since you’d hope a person’s position is based on what they know, not how they feel.

“you’re so doubled-down on buying into stupid stereotypes”

I’m not buying into anything. I’m reacting to people and their stated opinions. I’m a supporter of the greens party but I also think we should have nuclear power plants and use our intelligence services to assassinate people smugglers so feel free to continue trying to fit ME into YOUR political labels, but I don’t think you’re going to have much luck.

“What IS this great nation coming to…”

Great nation, lolwut. I’m not American so whether a repub or a dem is in power it affects my life in basically no significant way. These are the views of a person with no skin in the game and as such are probably more disinterested than any American.

Maybe next you can outline what kind of laws we can pass to stamp out those objectionable opinions?

Opinions are fine. You see thing text-thingy we’re typing in? These are opinions. I don’t mind people expressing their opinion, but I reserve the right to judge them and their choices.

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Don’t worry about reading all the comments, we know Kevin doesn’t anyway.

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The only reasons I have for becoming PM:

  1. Legalise

  2. Implement marriage equality

  3. Triple the cost of 4WD registration for inner-city douchebags

  4. Replace the parliamentary prayer with the one from this bit.


It means No U.

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If I lived in Oz, I’d vote for you.

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