Rats ate 400+ pounds of cannabis seized as police evidence

Cue Pizza Rat with the PSA: “pizza was the real gateway drug.”


I don’t know about rats, but I had a cat I had to always keep a close eye on if I was smoking pot because he would definitely swipe it and eat it if he had a chance.


On the one hand, rats will eat pretty much anything; on the other, humans are notoriously unreliable narrators, in general…


Huh, cannabis and catnip are closely related, from what I’ve read - and that while humans can get (a little) high from smoking catnip, cats supposedly get nothing but sick from cannabis…

The true story behind the fairytale.


When flour and corn starch was on the menu, a la French Connection.

Also broken up as part of this investigation was the crew of Vincent Papa, whose members included Anthony Loria Sr. and Virgil Alessi. The well-organized gang was responsible for distributing close to a million dollars worth of heroin up and down the East Coast of the United States during the early 1970s, which in turn led to a major New York Police Department (NYPD) corruption scheme. The scope and depth of this scheme are still not known, but officials suspect it involved corrupt NYPD officers who allowed Papa, Alessi, and Loria access to the NYPD property/evidence storage room, where hundreds of kilograms of heroin lay seized from the now-infamous French Connection bust, and from which the men would help themselves and replace missing heroin with flour and corn starch to avoid detection.[11][12]

The substitution was discovered only when officers noticed insects eating all the bags of “heroin”. By that point an estimated street value of approximately $70 million worth of heroin had already been taken. The racket was brought to light and arrests were made. Certain plotters received jail sentences, including Papa, who was later murdered in federal prison in Atlanta, Georgia.

Rat terriers in every station. Those doggos know how to deal with rats.

He rarely succeeded in his attempts to steal from me, but what little bits he did happen to get (nowhere near a gram even) in his lifetime didn’t seem to affect him. The only cat I’ve ever cared for that was so interested in marijuana. :man_shrugging:


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