Originally published at: Raymond Lee to star in Quantum Leap reboot | Boing Boing
An Asian lead actor in a reboot of a show beloved by white fanbois in their childhood? Oh boy…
This is pointless, we already fixed all the social issues covered in the first run.
Those Hollyweird woketards are ruining everything!
Who’s playing Dean Stockwell? A girl?
BuT hOw CaN i IdEnTiFy WiTh ThIs ChArAcTeR nOw???!
If it doesn’t have the estranged love interest, separated parents, one of whom works with the shady company responsible and the other one dead or missing, and open with an accident with an experiment that the protagonist was warned about but did anyway then I’m just not watching.
This is awesome, I hope they keep the more positive/hopeful message of the original series in the mix. But I would love to see them experiment with the core premise to add some new ideas to it.
Scott Bakula was great, but it’s Dean Stockwell that leaves some pretty big shoes to fill.
I’m waiting for the other boot to drop.
Man smartphone ergonomics sure have come a long way since 1989. Can you imagine having to carry Al’s “Ziggy” interface gizmo in your pocket?
I’m a huge fan of the show but I’m a little sad because instead of a reboot I was hoping that they would do the continuation show with Sam’s daughter.
Who’s going to be the Evil Leaper, Steve Bannon?
Now that you mention it, I’ve now been madly searching trying to find someone who makes it as a phone case.
So…yes, absolutely.
I’m sure you could always just make your own with some translucent LEGO bricks and a tube of superglue.
Why don’t smart phones look like semi transparent lego kits that a 3 year old put together, yet are we not advanced enough yet? Also, Dean Stockwell was pretty great in that roll. Nevermind on the lego smart phone question, answered it myself, because the phone would also be a weapon at that point.
This reminds me, has anyone else been seeing the same Quantum Leap video pinned on Ars Technica for, like, a year or more, or is it just me for some reason?
They still could! Sammy Jo could be the new Al.
Playing a character who can be any human and sometimes a chimpanzee.
Close. Steve is the evil leper.