Reddit shuts down Incel forum

I imagine an incel therapy session would go something like this:

“Women won’t have sexy time with me!”
“Because I act like a creepy, misogynistic loser.”
“Because I have problems seeing women as people.”
“Because I’ve linked my self-esteem with getting sexy time.”
“If you’re hot, talented, or rich, you get lots of sexy time.”
Um, wait, what?
“I’m not getting sexy time, so therefore I’m not hot, talented, or rich.”
So what?
“I’m depressed, frustrated, and angry.”
“Women won’t have sexy time with me!”
Our time is up.


Like, 4Chan and others places have shitty people, but none of them have shitty people so INCREDIBLY concentrated as /r/incels did. 4chan has lots of folks running around yelling racist epiphets but it also has OTHER THINGS. Even /pol/ wasn’t as bad as incel was IMO, just in terms of pure shittiness - and a lot of 4chan is just immature people being immature about whatever topic the board is on.



Oh, sure, I wasn’t really gainsaying you, I was just a bit taken aback.

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Yeah, all the incel forums and sites and such that I’ve read about seem to be incredibly toxic hellpits. Not only do they perpetuate all kinds of misogyny, they also poison the self-esteem and worldview of the men who go there.

I shudder to think how many socially awkward, romantically unsuccessful young men encounter this shit and, instead of maturing and either learning how to interact with women and/or how to deal with their lack of success, end up basically injecting poison right into their minds.


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