Originally published at: Remember the time a Cabbage Patch doll chewed a girl's hair up to her scalp and would not let go? Here's a video | Boing Boing
Oh My! That reminds me of…
My mother during that time period: “That’s what happens when you give dolls demon’s names!”
I just remember that the big plastic head was useful for fighting my brother. Swung from their legs, they made a decent club.
According to the news report, “Mattel says they’ve had fewer than 10 reported incidents.”
…with that particular doll.
“Normally the food goes right into the doll’s backpack.”
Is that what they called colostomy bags back then?
No, but I think mine was named “Ace”.
We had such amazingly crazy toys then. Remember the Barbie doll with the skates that could light things on fire?
If not, here’s a Dave Barry version of a write up on it, which is more fun than the news version.
Now with the Chuck-etts!
Look, the name of the doll model is clearly “Snacktime Kids”. They just didn’t go the extra step to specify it’s your Kid that is the Snack.
4 out of 5 stars. Could use clarification, but works as advertised.
And the others?
Many of the best toys that I had as a child were essentially a hot plate.
I remember having a chemistry set with many vials of…chemicals. And I would mix them all the time, completely unsupervised. And then the woodburning kit with the 3 inch cord.
And I only set the house on fire once!
So the parents put the batteries in the thing. Why didn’t they just take them out?
I think by the time it had clamped on, they probably did and still could not loosen the grip the thing had on the girl.
According to the news report, “Mattel says they’ve had fewer than 10 reported incidents.”
I’d like more context for this quote. Did they sound disappointed?
Remember them, hell, I was out there in the driveway lighting pieces of toilet paper on fire.
But then the damn Karenmoms said I was setting a bad example for my girls.