Remix of Ted Nugent grabbing own genitals at a Trump rally pretty much sums things up, yep

How about this one: Smart Trump vs Dumb Trump?

One party is fielding a megalomaniac dictator wannabe, and the other side is too, except theirs knows how to look and act presidential.


I’m trying to imagine a candidate getting through the primaries smart, capable and creepy as Putin… I can only imagine the latter.

You didn’t watch the video, did you? Oh dear. Always watch the video. This is good dystopic stuff, here.


Okay, I will. Makes for better listening than that Neanderthal Nugent.

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I would still vote for Smart Trump, because at least Smart Trump isn’t dumb.

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My big hope is that a lot of conservatives just don’t feel like going to the polls this time around.

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I think it means necrosis has affected the tissue of his genitals.


Or maybe that his wife is employing the Lysistrata tactic to try to dissuade him from supporting Trump and his misogyny.


That’s Ted Nugent for ya.

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No. He did that to get out of the draft in the 1970s.


That reminds me, I want to see a stage version of Ralf König’s version, where the strategy backfires and the men turn gay. (Edit:


Hard to say, because the inappropriate comments have been tied directly to policy in many cases. The only sane option would be to write in a candidate, and progressive folks would probably have coalesced around a single campaign (maybe even Bernie). Clinton would win though - she would gather in the mushy middle of the electorate. Trump would get annihilated.

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I was stunned into inaction for a second or two. Like a deer getting flashed by a sick hunter.

Agreed. Not my intention to suggest the parties are the same. Just a personal moment of empathetic thinking, what if Trump was my candidate. How horrible. While the republican party can be terrible I know there are many good people in there as well that must be feeling like crap if they vote for that monster and crap if they vote against their political beliefs.

Yes, that is what I was shooting for. I couldn’t think of an appropriate off the rails democrat but I think Mr. Sheen qualifies as off the rails.

Now I want to see Trump debate Sheen. So much crazy and ego in one place. it would be the shit show of all shit shows.


I do like the very small dangly bit (zipper pull?) that the camera lingers on for just long enough.

Trump raped his ex-wife and sexually assaults women, Sheen is a serial domestic abuser, I want them both to debate in a trash compactor switched on and wish they both leave the public space as soon as humanly possible.

I don’t think either deserves any more attention.


After this election cycle I don’t think you are alone in that feeling. While I do think such a debate could be entertaining, you are right, neither of them needs or deserves another second of attention.


They… what… I don’t… I think my brain just exploded.

I’m ready for the new President now no matter who it is. Someone get me a drool bucket, I can’t move.

That’s the joke.

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No, that’s just a fact; jokes are usually funny.


OH! Some days, it’s all duh…


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