Rep. Lauren Boebert doesn't like taking calls from her excited voters, calls it "sad" (video)

You sound… disappointed?



I actually don’t think that difference is big at all. It makes her sad because she finds it sad, right?

She’d rather be driving trollies so she feels sad when she has to do a real job and engage with constituents in a meaningful way…

Her narcissistic supply is only provided via sadism I guess so it’s a disappointment when some one actually likes her because she doesn’t get her fix…

Probably explains her husband…

Or perhaps she’s just a vacuous dipshit who tries to sound tough…




She’s saying, not as a joke, that she wouldn’t want to join the sort of club that would have her as a member. The Lauren Boebert fan club.


This makes perfect logical sense and is entirely consistent with their political goals when you recognize that the only identifiable principle of the GOP political machine is to never have to answer to voters ever again.

To quote GOP operative, Roger Stone: “I said fuck the voting, get right to the violence

Boebert is just complaining that that reality hasn’t been fully realized yet.


I disagree. She’s amazing at her job. Her job is to be a saboteur that sucks up the oxygen in the room. She’s a lightning rod that gathers attention that should be spent on the power brokers in the GOP driving this machine.

She doesn’t need to be smart, she’s a spanner in the works.


Well, no, actually. That’s her fucking hobby, or at least her fund-raising strategy. Her JOB is as an elected officials who is supposed to represent the interests of her constituents in Congress. That is what she is literally paid to do by the US government - bring their interests into the house in order to craft legislation to help them further their goals in life. She is not even doing that poorly. She is a highly ineffective representative for the people she is meant to represent. That should be discussed a bit more… but of course, for the far right, that’s a feature, as they do not believe government should be effective in representing the people, because they want a strong man to make all the decisions for all of us…


Exactly. If I’m hired to test software and I instead spend a lot of time gambling online while collecting a paycheck, even if I win some cash it does not imply that I am good at the job I was hired to do.


Republicans put her in office. She serves the GOP agenda. You didn’t hire her. A different group did. My point stands.

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And i still disagree with you, so I guess we can stop talking now!

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“Her JOB is as an elected officials who is supposed to represent the interests of her constituents in Congress”

In what way is this behavior inconsistent with that goal? They want a king in practice, if not name. She’s a part of the machine working to make that possible.

It’s pretty clear she’s working for herself, not her constituents. Anytime she’s gotten attention for her committee work, it’s over some personal grievance not because she’s trying to get some useful information out of the people she’s questioning.

She barely won this time, in a rather red district. Her constituents aren’t just the people who voted for her, but everyone in her district. You’re confusing her politics with her job.


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