Rep. Ted Lieu plays Candace Owens' Hitler remarks on phone during House hearing on white nationalism

Wilful ignorance seems to be a popular viewpoint today, for some inexplicable reason.


I really don’t know why people think globalism is a bad thing. Isn’t that how we get to the Star Trek model of things eventually?


DARVO is an acronym for the Narcissist’s Prayer:

That didn’t happen.

And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.

And if it was, that’s not a big deal.

And if it is, that’s not my fault.

And if it was, I didn’t mean it.

And if I did…

You deserved it.

Sadly, it looks like this is what happens when a past horror dies out of living memory. Combined with deliberate denialism and (as we see in this topic) excuse-making for the denialists, it’s not long before the horror crawls back out of the cave it was sleeping in all along.

The real problem here is that she’s denying Nazism was a nationalist ideology and also denying that it was on balance bad for Germany. It’s all to cover up for the fact that Nazism was not just nationalism but discriminatory right-wing ethno-nationalism – just like white nationalism. A certain contingent of the American right would prefer that this obvious connective tissue be severed.


It depends which kind you mean. The current version is basically a way for the super-rich to screw over as many people as possible. Internationalism and alter-globalisation are far better and closer to the Star Trek ideal.


Maybe the riposte would be to always refer to the Republican party as the “anti-democratic party”. I mean, they are - aren’t they?

ETA - in multiple senses of that term. Maybe I should have typed “anti-Democratic party”. The capital D makes a difference, no?


Oh, it’s a whole thing.



I’ve wondered if Republic Party would be a good thing to say in return. Not for its meaning, but just to point out a missing syllable.


Yeah that Hair Twittler fellow isn’t so bad, nationalism is patriotism! And being proud of your heritage, especially noble lost causes (wink!) is what real conservatives do. Imagine if certain great and glorious leaders of the past had just stuck to their make ___ great again agendas and not actually done what they did. Instead of wholesale genocide and world war if he had stuck to just deporting those horrid Others, maybe stopping refugees at the border or refusing to hear asylum cases would have been better all around. Then the disloyal opposition wouldn’t complain about them forcing us to separate families of asylum seekers and filthy job stealin economic migrants at the border into camps that concentrate the populations of undesirables.

This is what my translator spits out when I feed ms Owens words into it. I think the translator software is still trying to get the awful taste out of its poor input pathways. Sorry chum.


“I think it’s pretty apparent that Mr. Lieu thinks that black people are stupid…”

That’s a remarkable bit of intellectual dishonesty.

One could reasonably claim he thinks nobody will listen to her comment in its original context, so why single out any particular race except to impugn him. The right loves to bemoan anyone “playing the race card” but that’s exactly what she did.


What’s pretty apparent is that Candace Owens seems to think other Black people are stupid and will listen to/agree with her just because her skin happens to be the same color. (Hint; she’s dead wrong.)

That was some straight up psychological projection, right there.


Whole Twitter feed dedicated to this phenomenon.


I think lower case d is when it’s used as an adjective, and upper case when used as a name.

Conservatives have been using the “Democrat-for-Democratic” as a pejorative since at least the 1970s. They know when and where to use it. If they are on Fox or other organs of right-wing propaganda, they have free rein. If they are talking to mainstream media, they’ll only use slip and use it if they are “angry.” They’ll never use it in the written word, unless it was, say, a campaign leaflet. They will always use it at campaign rallies, since the red state audience loves it so.

They never get corrected. If they’re on Fox, why would a Fox commentator ever point out a propagandist’s epithet? If they’re on mainstream media, it’s just below the interviewer to basically halt the interview and ask “Why did you use that word?” Someday, I wish they would, because sometimes it’s glaringly obvious.

But Republicans get away with it, every single fucking time, which is why they need to be called “Republics” from now on.


I like Richpublicans


Works for the pols, at least, and yeah some of the voters.

Maybe Repugnican Party covers them all. Repignican Party?


I like making up names, and I’ve been trying out a few variations. I like yours, the Republic Party. I was getting kinda fond of calling them the Repubs. How does this sound (I’m saying it out loud to hear and feel how it sounds): the Repub party. Hmm, I like the idea of just dropping the last syllable, Republic Party. Either works, though.

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I think “Repubs” is a syllable too far. We need to call them “Republics” of the “Republic Party.” As with “Democrat”, if you just drop one syllable, when someone calls you on it, you can just say “oops”.

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It’s pretty apparent that your time here will be short.


Repugnant Party works fine. Even passes spellcheck.


And smell check!