Report: U.S. said to be planning “proportional response” to Sony Hack, to be blamed on North Korea

People keep saying this. Yes the parent company Sony is a Japanese company. But the Sony here is Sony Pictures Entertainment which is an American run company based in California. While they’re a subsidy of the Japanese Sony, they’re based on US soil, have American management and employees, and produced movies and TV for the American market. So in Practice they’re an American company. In fact the company (as Columbia I think) pre-existed Sony’s ownership.

Part of that “proportional response” might be to stop US film studios using North Korean animators (because they’re so cheap, you know).

The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun the Hacker War has.


The $44 million film starring Seth Rogen and James Franco is to blame for this whole mess.

Excuse me?

What’s to blame for this whole mess is a delusional, hypersensitive, paranoid bunch of criminals with a country in their control. And this time I am not even referring to anyone in Washington…


You done goofed North Korea! Consequences will never be the same.


Probably…but it just seems a bit too easy…the first major cyber battle and we figure it out with enough certainty to risk a war in a few days.

Man, if we have to go to war over The Great Dictator and I’m going to hate Charlie Chaplin forever…

…because that was the important thing about WWII. To hell with the millions of victims of genocide, nothing’s happening here in the U.S. so who cares?

Agreed. Nobody who was going to show Team America in response is going to wuss out. Paramount is showing Comedy Central levels of cowardice.

Endless loops of ‘Two Broke Girls’. There will be blood in the streets within hours.

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Cancel Dennis Rodman’s passport. No more U.S. tourist dollars.


America has already lost the war…
Even Colbert has quit out of fear!


Seems like the best proportional response would be to show the damn film and not let fear dictate our actions.


The US: A nation of sheep hiding behind an expensive wolf-for-hire.

This drama about Sony is sounding more and more like war drums every day.

Here’s how this works: Threaten a government or a military power with terrorism and you’ll see security measures, closed ranks and public bluster about freedom and never negotiating with terrorists.

Threaten a business with terrorism and they cave instantly and predictably. That’s why we need only look to the invisible hand of the marketplace for real world solutions to every problem.

I’d apportion equal blame to the cowardly, morons running the entertainment industry.

From the people who endlessly pat themselves on the back for spreading truth and courageously standing up to the tyranny of small minds, this is the new norm? Knuckle under when the fat, flunky son of a failed dictator issues baseless threats?

Ah well. We’re rarely treated to such blatant displays of hypocrisy.

war nerds are fapping!

You mean this guy?

South Ossetia, the War of my Dreams

See, this is the war that I used to see in the paintings commissioned by Defense contractors in Aviation Week and AFJ: a war between two conventional armies, both using air forces and armored columns, in pine-forested terrain. That was what those pictures showed every time, with a highlighted closeup of the weapon they were selling homing in on a Warsaw Pact convoy coming through a German pine forest. Of course, a real NATO/Warsaw Pact war would never, ever have happened that way. It would have gone nuclear in an hour or less, which both sides knew, which is why it never happened. So all that beautiful weaponry was kind of a farce, if it was only going to be used in the Fulda Gap. But damn, God is good, because here it all is, in the same kind of terrain, all your favorite old images: Russian-made tanks burning, a Soviet-model fighter-bomber falling from the sky in pieces, troops in Russian camo fighting other troops, also in Russian camo, in a skirmish by some dilapidated country shack.

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