Reporters laugh as Sean Spicer is forced to justify Trump's 'covfefe'

Nah, it has to be that spice substitute used by the Honored Matres.

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I bet Trump is relieved to have everyone going on about “covfefe” instead of the fact that his administration is under investigation for collusion with a foreign power.[/quote]
I don’t get this reaction at all. Are we supposing people taking a moment to laugh at this incompetent tweet, and this even more incompetent cover for it, are less likely to remember what else Trump has been doing? Because my impression has been the opposite.

Nobody making fun actually seems to be letting up on him for anything important. Those investigations haven’t been suspended, his withdrawal from the Paris accord is still big news. It’s just that while those grinds are ongoing, people have been keeping up spirits sharing a quick covfefe break. Why not enjoy the laugh?


He’s a bit of a ponce, but his panel is usually pretty good.


I never thought I’d find myself saying this, but in hindsight, I actually miss turning on the TV and watching Scott McClellan justify this or deflect that. As much as the things that he said infuriated me, he was infuriatingly good at his job.

As for Spicer? Maybe the money’s that good, but I doubt it. And I don’t think this gig is going to impress the next potential employer that looks at his resume. Maybe it’s like one of those story plots (1, 2) where someone got hold of his medical records and said “look, we know that you know that you don’t have long to live. Do us this service and we’ll take care of your family after you’re gone.” That’s the most charitable explanation I can think of, which is horrible because I wouldn’t wish something like that on anyone.


Press coverage. Column inches. It’s a trade off. Covfefe consumes some that could be used elsewhere.

Covfefe = kayfabe…different spelling…similar pronunciation. The term Kayfabe was often used as a warning to other wrestlers that someone who was not “in the know” was in the vicinity. Something that could include wrestlers family members who had not been clued in to the scripted nature of professional wrestling.[3] Examples of “Kayfabe” being kept even to family members was illustrated in an article describing how in the 1970s, the wife of James Harris (known under the ring name Kamala) was celebrating that her husband had just won a $5,000 prize as he won a battle royal; not realizing that the prize money was simply a storyline, or kayfabe.[4] Breaking Kayfabe
Wrestling once pretended to be real. “Kayfabe” was the slang term associated with keeping up this pretense. Due to several reasons (some legal, some financial), wrestling largely broke kayfabe in the 1990s. WWE admitted that the matches were predetermined, and instead of what you might assume, the sport actually got bigger than ever.

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They still seemed to have plenty leftover to report on both Trump’s plans for the Paris agreement, and his plans to allow employers to remove birth control coverage at their whim. What major issue in Trump’s administration got left out because of covfefe?


I’ve been wondering the same thing. How much does Spicer have to love being Trump’s whipping boy to not say, “Screw it, I’m outta here”?

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One of two things are going to happen: trump will be impeached, or these investigations will all fizzle and trump will win a second term.

If he is impeached, we can all talk about what an idiot crook he is.
But if he wins another election, history is going to look back at this exact type of diversionary tactic and explain how it was all part of their master planning that put him power and allowed him to burn the country to the ground.

I want to believe he is an idiot that is about to be imprisoned, but that is being dismissive of a man that has abused the system and people his entire life, and yet his golden toilet is now the most powerful throne in the world. Is he really an idiot? Disparage at your own risk.

I think historians are smarter than that. Harmless fool or criminal mastermind is an entirely false dichotomy. Trump has made it very plain he is incompetent to an astounding degree and dangerous anyway. I stand by what I said here:

Trump could be impeached now, just for his dramatic violation of the emoluments clause, let alone whatever collusion his clumsy firing of Comey was supposed to conceal. The reason he hasn’t been is not that his ineptness has fooled us all, that in laughing at things like covfefe we are somehow rendered unaware of the damage he is causing, but that the people who should be doing it are motivated to look the other way. Worry about that, not that we are somehow unable to pay attention to two things at once.


But for how long after death could Pence and Spicer Weekend at Bernie’s him?


And Trump is the ultimate heel!

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I thought I was old, but now I realize it’s a state of mind, not chronology.

Dude, it’s the 21st century. Column inches isn’t the gold standard anymore.


They don’t need to be geniuses, they just need it to work.

Is Putin a genius? Probably not. Is he playing the game very well? Yes indeed.


“Ah yes! I suppose it makes sense, you would all use column centimetres by now.”

  • A time traveler about to be very disappointed

In a better world, this would result in more Dave and less Weekend at Bernie’s.


I generally don’t laugh at fascism until the fight’s over but you do you! I do think playing into the right’s meme of lefty types as overly sensitive edgelords of The Right is a bad move: excoriating That Man for a typo seems counterproductive and poor optics, and his recantation was aces, kinda made you all look bad!

Tldr: generally fires are put out through extinguishing them, but people keep giving That Man oxygen and inflammable items, sad!

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They’re already doing it.

What we think is him talking is actually gases being released from his body as he decomposes.


This is a topic about the press secretary upholding an obvious mistake to public ridicule, but sure, lefties are the ones who ended up looking awful because there were jokes on twitter. And of course, you don’t want to fuel the president, who certainly won’t burn anything without our attention. It’s all a matter of optics, from Greek ὀπτικός meaning “make sure you never do anything ever because people who hate you will claim you look bad either way.” :rolling_eyes:

Every single thing this president does, someone insists paying attention will surely undermine us, and I have never seen a shred of evidence given. From all I can tell, the people who laugh at these little mistakes are the same ones who care about the larger problems, and the people who would fault them for the one do for the other. You want to tell me otherwise, give me something other than specious say-so, because the circular firing squad got old a long time ago.


there are a lot ( okay, a vocal and sometimes violent minority ) of people who like this president and appreciate what he’s trying ( if mostly failing ) to do.

it’s incredibly hard to convince those folks that his policies are wrong. in this sort of situation, embarrassment helps. showing the emperor has no clothes helps.

nobody, but nobody wants to vote covfefe

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